Chapter 5: Starting the Project

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Kaveh's POV:
I decide that today is the day I will start my project for Daniel, the guy who wrote me the letter. I'm pretty sure I had everything I needed. I just didn't know how to start. I decided I would make a model of The Palace of Alcazarzaray. I started by gathering some cardboard that we had around the house I drew a blue print of what I wanted to build and how I was gonna build it. I painted the cardboard with the gorgeous colors of the palace.I wanted it to be perfect, better than all of the other projects I had made. Maybe if I earned enough money, I could buy a house and move out of Alhaitham's. I knew that Alhaitham didn't want him in his house much longer. Deep down inside of me though, I wanted to stay.
I felt different around Alhaitham, a good different. A different that might just be what you call love. But I denied that. I didn't think I was in love with Alhaitham. There was no way. Me and Alhaitham always fought and teased each other, that's not what love is. And even if it was love, Alhaitham would definitely not love me back. I stopped thinking about the whole thing and got back to my project. To make this perfect, it was going to take a while.
Alhaitham's POV:
Where is Kaveh? I've barely seen him all day. Has he been asleep? I walk over to his bedroom door to ask him what he's been doing. Knock Knock. I quietly knock on his door. No answer. I knock again, this time, a little harder. Again, no answer. I decide to just open the door.
"Kaveh, where have you been all day-" I stop before finishing me sentence. Kaveh is asleep on the ground. He's sleeping next to what seems to a he project he started. I look over at the crumpled up pieces of paper, and they seem to be all scribbled out sketches. There is one paper though, not crumpled, laying on the ground next to the pieces of cardboard. I pick it up and look at it. It's blueprints for a small model of the Palace of Alcazarzaray. Why was he making a model? I pick him up and place him in his bed. On my way out of his room, I see a little piece of paper in his desk. Is it okay if I just take a little look? I do it anyway and pick up the paper. After reading it, I know why Kaveh is making the project. I'm pretty sure he will get the money, Kaveh's work is always amazing. I go to my bed and try to fall asleep. To my surprise, I fall into a deep sleep immediately.

ℕ𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕤𝕒𝕪 𝕘𝕠𝕠𝕕𝕓𝕪𝕖 (Kaveh and Alhaitham  fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now