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How did I end up like this?

That was the question that kept ringing in my ears. I seem to be asking that question a lot to myself nowadays.

That perfectly carved face, those soft pink lips, the pair of gleaming eyes... Everything about the person in front of me screamed perfection and it surprises me that I ever hated seeing that figure, so much that I preferred being hit by a truck than to stay with this so called perfection.

Is this called magic? Maybe black magic, hmm... Am I bewitched? I know I'm imagining things, but anything better than to admit that I'm actually in love.

I know I'm in love, but I do not want to admit it, not even to myself, the more I deny it, the more my heart bleeds.

Is the only way to get rid of this discomfort to admit it? But will the person I've fallen for accept me? 'Cause even though I know that we don't have much in common, I do know that we hate each other, well...though my hatred is now replaced by love, I'm not sure of the one I'm looking at now.

These thoughts, the conflict with myself, I'm going crazy, why did it have to happen? Why did we've to meet each other through deceits?


Now acceptance seems like a lost hope that I'm trying to hold on to, but it slips away every time I try to hold it tightly.

Why is it hard to claim someone as yours? They say hatred is the stepping stone to love, I just hope that it'd be true in my case as well, because I no longer can bear to see the hatred in those pair of beautiful eyes for me.

It was my fault that we're in this mess; that I'm in this mess. I ruined my own life and some what the other one's too. D*mn those stupid wills, d*mn those stupid tricks!!

D*mn that stupid twin!

It was all because of him. He was the one who dragged both of us into this mess and now is gone to Australia to live a carefree life! I want nothing more than to make his life a living hell. But I know I can't and I hate myself for that.


Wondering who's this? Our female protagonist, or male? You'd have to wait for the answers ;-)


"F*ck!" A man's deep voice echoed through the silent street from inside a car.

"Fiona, get out of the car, now!" A scream followed from another car behind the former one and from the voice it was evident that it was a girl of seventeen, or eighteen.

"What!? Don't tell me you're planning to chase after that car!" The girl named Fiona yelled at the one who'd asked her to get out of the car.

"Yes, I'm!" The determined girl answered.

"Don't be stupid! That car has its brakes failed for sure!"

"Sit here and wait then." With that the door to the driver's seat opened and a beautiful young lady stepped out of the car.

She was dressed in a black shirt and black loose pants, with a pair of sneakers and a white lab coat hung over her shoulders. She dashed after the car in front of her while simultaneously collecting her long brunette hair in a bun at the back of her neck to keep it out of her way.

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