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Cheryll's POV;

~ Miles Manor ~

"Maria, I'm not coming. Please don't force me and don't get me wrong. I hope you understand." I hung up the call.

It was my first day at the Miles Manor after my wedding.

Hmph, wedding, my foot!

The wedding which I was deceived into. Wedding night is supposed to be the memorable night for the couple and my memory of the night is that I cried myself to sleep on the couch in the living room.

I wish I didn't have that veil on during the ceremony, then I'd have been able to recognise him before we were pronounced husband and wife.

The wedding was held yesterday because Trevor was supposed to get married before his twenty second birthday according to the will left by late Mr. Miles, thus it was his and Taylor's twenty second birthday today and Maria wants me to join the party.

As if I'm not suffering already.

I don't want to see the faces of the Miles brothers anymore. I hate them! I don't want to live here either, but there's nothing much I can do about it. Most importantly, I'm doing this for Mrs. Miles, she's already suffering enough after her husband's death, I understood that much during our conversation yesterday. I don't want her to experience another shock.

And Maria, I know she's innocent in all of this. If the boys could've involved Maria in their scheme, then they wouldn't drag the revenge this much, the revenge then would've been direct, with them getting me involved with the cops and all, unlike this carefully planned deceit.

That silly girl still envied me for getting married to the 'love of my life' in mere 5 months. I can't even go tell her about what her boyfriend had done, poor girl would be heartbroken, that silly loves Morgan. I've seen it in her eyes, so I clung to the rationality that whatever Morgan did to me was stimulated by his possessiveness towards Maria and that's good when it comes to them being together. At least I know he wouldn't hurt her, or let her get hurt even if it was from a girl like me.

I sighed and got up to go to Trevor's room. He was in the bathroom, so I quickly grabbed some clothes and toiletries from my suitcase and went to the guest room in the ground floor. I took a shower and got ready, I didn't feel like eating, if he wants then he can prepare his breakfast himself.

I left the house and took a taxi to the the international airport.

~ International Airport ~

I waited outside for a few minutes until a familiar car pulled in front of me. I put on the brightest smile I could and walked up to the vehicle to open the door to the back seat.

"Cheryll dear, what're you doing here all by yourself?" Mrs. Miles asked, a little surprised to see me.

"You're going back today, how can it be that I don't come to see you off at the airport?" I took hold of her hand and patted it gently.

On the other side of the vehicle, Taylor got out of the passenger seat and our eyes met briefly after which I ignored him. He kept stealing glances at me, I was aware of being started, but didn't give him another glance.

I hate that face of yours!

I didn't understand one thing from last night. Morgan said that what happened was what they wanted, then why were the brothers trying to stop Morgan from spilling the beans? Neither did they make any effort to reveal it to me themselves. It was like if I wasn't able to differentiate between them, then I'd have remained in the dark forever.

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