Bonus Chapter

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Maria's POV;

~ Miles Manor ~

"Don't leave her side." Fiona said from beside me. "For Cheryll's sake."

"I'm going to be fine Fions, don't worry." I patted her shoulder with the biggest smile I could offer now.

If you all are wondering what it was about, Fiona was actually telling Dr. Chadwell to take me home. According to all of them, I'd just suffered a heartbreak and could do anything reckless when left alone.

All, but Trevor. He hardly had time to think about himself over Cheryll, so I don't think he even gave a thought about what I was going through.

True that the betrayal hurt badly, but why should I take my life for a pervert like him?

Yeah, they all think I'd commit suicide, I'm stronger than that.

Honestly, I blamed myself for trusting him so much, I should've known better than that.

Once a player, always a player.

Actually, good that this happened. If he can corner his friend's wife at his bachelorette party, then what guarantee was there that he wouldn't cheat on me after getting married?

Good riddance.

I wouldn't have believed if I hadn't seen Cheryll in that room. She was so frightened that I couldn't hold myself back from stomping hard on Morgan with my 5 inch long heels after Trevor carried Cheryll away. If Trevor's beating didn't, then my heel stomp would definitely end the Williams bloodline!

Yeah, I stomped him where the sun doesn't shine, he deserved it!

I and Dr. Chadwell, both having majored in psychology, were well aware of Cheryll's current situation. He was a doctor and me a counsellor, so we immediately understood that she is traumatised and would continue to have nightmares for months, or even for over a year if not taken care properly.

A new side of Trevor was revealed to us after this incident. None of us had ever seen him so broken and disturbed. Cheryll's really lucky to have him, I wish I'd someone to care for me like Trevor cares for Cheryll.

Daniel, Trevor's friend and secretary was sitting beside him on the couch, patting his back in a comforting manner. I and Dr. Chadwell went over to Trevor, he lifted his head up to look at us standing before him.

"Her condition is... Fragile would be the perfect word." Dr. Chadwell began. "Keep an eye on her all the time, because she can even end up hurting herself in her sleep." Trevor nodded.

"Anything I can do to help her overcome the trauma?" He asked.

"Keep her from thinking about it, but if she wants to talk, or cry over it, then let her." I suggested, then added. "Avoid getting intimate, for it might cause her trauma to resurface, but..." I thought for a while.

"But what?" Trevor urged me to continue.

"I saw how she relaxed in your embrace, so if you find any of your gestures comforting her and making her feel safe, then try to repeat them." I added.

"Give her what she wants and refrain from what makes her uncomfortable, is that what you mean?" Trevor asked, I nodded. "Understood. Thank you so much Maria, it's going hard on you, but you're still here for her..."

"Don't remind me of that son of a b*tch, please." I interrupted him.

At 10.30 pm, we all left the manor. Since it was already night, Daniel took to drive Fiona home and Dr. Chadwell gave me a lift. But instead of taking me to my Villa, he drove towards the restaurant at the seaside.

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