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Cheryll's POV;

~ City General Hospital ~

"Is this all, Dr. Chadwell?" I asked impatiently, tapping my foot on the floor as I sat on the chair.

"Cher, how many times have I told you not to address me this formal___"

Exactly the reason for me to be impatient; to leave your cabin, ugh!

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry for addressing you formally, Vincent. Now, can I leave?"

He sighed.

I never showed any concern about what he might think of me every time I acted like he was some shark who's gotten a whiff of my blood.

I know he has feelings for me, but to me he's only a senior whom I respect very much. If he wants our relation to change, then the far I can go is to make him my older brother.

And he knows that.

"Cher, why can't we be together?"

All right, I didn't expect that. Can he at least try to not be this direct?

"Vincent, I respect you as my senior. We've known each other for 2 years and I appreciate everything you've taught me. In fact, I'm thankful that you're my guide during this final year internship. But that is all it, I cannot even imagine to be with you like the way you want me to."

I cannot be more honest, if I do then he'd suffer heartbreak.

"You're brutally honest." He chuckled, I just shrugged. "So what ever I try, its not gonna work?"


"Okay, as you wish. But can you at least not run away from me every time we're alone together, or is it too much to ask?"

"I won't if you don't look at me like that."

"I'll try."

"Thanks, Vincent." He smiled in response.

He was handsome and all, but my heart wouldn't belong to him, that I was decisive about.

"No big deal, Cher."

"We're good friends, always remember that."

"Then call me like you used to before you learnt I feel for you."

"You're such a whine, Vinci!" And we laughed.

We met 2 years ago and at that time, he was in his final year. Since then after occasional meets, we became good friends and I used to boast around that I've an overprotective big brother, until one day when I learnt he likes me in a way I won't like him in ever.

Even though I'm not that close to him as with my bestie, he's the only one who knows the only secret of mine. Not that I told him myself, the situation and circumstances revealed it to him and I trust him enough to confide in him.

"Before you leave, I need a small favour, Cher." He looked at me expectantly.

"If I can."

"Nothing much, there's this new counsellor for the psychologically disturbed ones. I'm to head to the asylum, so can you help her with the paper work?"

"Oh, that wouldn't be a problem at all!"

"Thank you so much Cher," I nodded with a smile and left his cabin.

The newly recruited ones will be by the reception, waiting for them to be called. So I headed there to find the girl whom Vincent had asked me to help.

There, it didn't take me long as there was only one female waiting among some 3 men. She was going through the contract she'd to sign to begin her work in the hospital and was sitting with her head bowed low, so all I saw was the dark hair on the top of her head.

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