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Trevor's POV;

~ Miles Group ~

"No need to thank me, you deserve it." Cheryll faintly smiled at Ms. Amy and turned to Ms. Reese. "I noticed you've been without an assistant for a while now, Ms. Amy will be perfect for the post, but of course it's in your hands to prepare her well."

"Definitely Mrs. Miles, also I could use extra hands with my work." She answered and I could say she was pleased and was looking forward to work with her new assistant.

"Good. To celebrate the day, hotel Royal Palace has been booked for us till 9 pm today, I and Mr. Miles won't be accompanying, enjoy yourselves. Congratulations to all of you once again, you may all take your leave now." Cheryll addressed the gathering with natural ease.

All of the excited faces soon left the hall, leaving only me, Cheryll and Daniel inside. Ms. May came out of a corner and began collecting the left water bottles from the table. She'd been inside throughout the meeting, bringing files from one to another, or seeing to bring anything anyone asked.

"Let's leave?" I asked Cheryll.

"I've another person to address to." She replied.

"Who's the fortunate one now?" I laughed, thinking that she was about to promote another person.

"Ms. May." She said.

The girl in question looked at us, all excited for her promotion, or bonus. She'd seen what happened with Ms. Amy so it came as no surprise that she'd hope the same for herself.

I let Cheryll do as she pleased. She stood up and walked over to Ms. May, her gaze suddenly turned ice cold. I and Daniel exchanged confused looks, Cheryll was now standing too close to Ms. May.

"Mrs. Miles..." The girl instinctively took a step back.

A moment of silence passed before a resounding slap landed on Ms. May's face. I immediately sprang to my feet. I was about to intervene when Cheryll roughly took hold of Ms. May's arm and unbuckled the belt over her uniform's skirt. She then grabbed the girl by her neck and began choking her.

"Who sent you in!?" She demanded.

"Cheryll, what're you doing?" I got close to her. She handed me the belt.

"She was spying on us, Trevor."

"What!?" I and Daniel uttered in unison, shocked to hear that.

"Mrs. Miles...I...I...was...not." Ms. May stuttered.

"Then the recording from the camera on this belt's buckle would explain it all." Cheryll sneered.

Daniel took the belt and checked it, moments later he found the camera as Cheryll had suspected.

"Mrs. Miles was right, Trevor." He confirmed. "But it's not connected to any devices, so live telecast hadn't happened." I sighed in relief.

Today's occasion however was only to honour those who'd worked hard, but if this'd have happened during any business deals, then it'd have been chaotic. Many of our intel would've been leaked.

"How long have you been doing this sh*tty job for and for who!?" Cheryll asked again and slightly tightened her grip on Ms. May's neck.

Cheryll wasn't really going to kill her, as a medical student, she knew when it'd pose as threat to life, she was simply scaring the girl. So I didn't interfere, we need answers too.

"Speak you d*mn woman!" I raised my voice.


Daniel took his place near the door in case she planned to escape. Cheryll dragged the girl and threw her on a chair as we stood before her.

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