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Cheryll's POV;

~ The Homeals Restaurant ~

"Vinci, you okay?" I extended my right hand to hold his, but thought better of it and retracted my hand. "Vinci?"

He sighed and looked up at me. His eyes were slightly red and his face showed no trace of emotions.

What are you thinking, Vincent?

"Cher, honestly speaking, I don't like the idea of you dating Mr. Miles, you know that from the beginning and now you come and tell me that you're in love with him!? Seriously? How long has it been since you started dating him? Just 4 months, Cher!" Vincent raked his hand through his hair in frustration. "It's not my place to say what you should do. Besides, anything I say would seem like it's fuelled by jealousy. I'm just asking you to be careful."

Yeah, since we promised to be good friends, I told him about Trevor. I did hesitate initially as I knew Vincent had feelings for me, but my hesitation was the thing that gave me away. Seeing me so nervous to share something with him, he himself had caught up on the fact that I was seeing someone.

Vincent asked me who the boy was and didn't seem angry, or sad about it. That put me so much at ease, but when I told him that it was 'the Miles', his eyes darkened. I thought he'd misunderstood me since I ditched his - a middle class man's - proposal, only to get myself a sugar brother. But to my surprise and relief, he showed concern. He was actually worried that Trevor would use me.

"Vinci, please. I know you've given up on pursuing me since I made it clear to you that we can't be together, I know all you say is purely out of concern for me and I understand if you don't trust Trevor. You don't know him personally and so your opinion about him is that of all the wealthy men out there. They use girls like us then discard us like used tissues. But I know Trevor isn't like that, you know I'm a practical person and wouldn't make decisions without consideration." I stopped to catch my breath then addded. "Don't you trust me?"

"I trust you Cher, but not him." He exhaled sharply. "And I don't think I'd grow to trust him any sooner."

"That's okay," I assured him.

Everybody has their own opinions about others and it's not necessary that the one you like should be liked by others you know too. Vincent is just being protective of me, but I was confident that he'd like Trevor when they meet each other.

Now to the main topic. I recently realised that I actually love Trevor, but obviously didn't find the courage in me to go and say that to him. Well, it wasn't just the matter of being courageous enough, but also about being rational. He's been patient with me and as promised, he hasn't touched me once in these past 4 months.

I wouldn't be surprised if I learnt that he's grown tired of me.

So yes, he's not touched me and in these circumstances, I'd only make a fool out of myself if I go tell him that I love him.

"What're you thinking about?" Vincent snapped his fingers in front of me.

"Huh? Oh, nothing." I replied. "Let's get going."

My classes for the day were over and Vincent was done with his shift at the hospital too. So I dragged him out for a meal as it seemed like a perfect opportunity to talk to him about my feelings for Trevor.

I could've talked to Maria too, but she being friends with Trevor would only complicate things for me.

We walked out of the restaurant and were about to go our separate ways when my phone buzzed. I checked the text that Maria had just sent me.

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