Thirty Six

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Trevor's POV;

~ Police Station ~

"Mr. Miles, we assure you that he wouldn't be able to esca___"

"To hell with your assurance!" I stood up, banging my hand against his desk.

He flinched at the sudden outburst and stood up too.

"Mr. Miles, we___"

"Why did he even escape in the first place was my question, not if he'd be able to escape for the second time!" I growled. "You know I could get you suspended for being careless! Thank that my wife's alive and our yet to be born is unharmed!" I gritted out. "This time, I'm handling it myself and you know better than to interfere, or breathe a word to anyone else." I threatened him.

The senior inspector of the station. That's what he calls himself, but is useless! At least that's how I was seeing him now after he failed to keep Morgan imprisoned.

"Ye...yes, Mr. Miles." He agreed.

It wasn't new for him that I wanted to punish someone on my own rather than wait for the law to do justice, but this surely was his first time being yelled at by me.

"Let all of the ones involved in the cases concerning both the Miles and the Smith families escape the prison at the same time. Not a second later, nor earlier. They should come out through the gate that opens on the main road falling to the left from the central park." I said. "What gate number is that?"

"Station gate no. 4, Mr. Miles."

"Is there security there?"

"Ten officers guard the area."

"Good, distract the officers momentarily so they can escape and exactly after 2 minutes from when they're out on the street, the ten officers would come to prevent them from escaping."

And that 2 minutes was when I'd make them pay.

"Understood, Mr. Miles." He replied. I and Daniel walked out of the station.

~ Central Park Intersection Road ~

This road is called central park intersection road, but in actual there's only a fountain instead of a park in the middle of the four road intersection point.

I and Daniel were at the corner of the road that falls on the right side of the central park from the police station. From here we can see what happens outside gate no. 4.

Soon 6 figures emerged out of the gate and were hastily looking around to make an escape, I looked over at Daniel, he gave me a nod and sent a text to the number I'd interacted with earlier.

Before the six of them could even cross the road, a mini tempo loaded with goods sped across the street and ran over them.

Horrible screams echoed on the street, both from men and women. The screams were not from those who witnessed the scene, but from those who got injured.

To add, there was no one to witness this, the road's been cleared as per my orders.

A cold smirk made its presence known on my lips. If they think they can escape after hurting me and my family, then I feel obliged to change that thought of theirs.

I've been kind enough to let the law punish them after their first attempts, but I guess it was my fault to do so. When Cheryll was abducted from the cemetery, I was itching to end Morgan the second he came into view, but she'd been shot; took the bullet for me and I'd to prioritise her life over ending Morgan.

After taking her to the hospital, I was able to rationalise. Killing someone wasn't a punishment, it's never been one to me and I wasn't a murderer to do so.

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