Thirty Five

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Cheryll's POV;

~ St. Mary's Hospital ~

"Cheryll..." Trevor barged in and before I knew it, I was in his embrace.

Bewildered, I looked around and realised I was in a hospital. The memories all came back to me, I'd taken a bullet that was meant for Trevor.

"Are you okay? Did he harm you?" I asked.

"You ask that after taking upon you that was meant for me? I was never so scared in my life, Cheryll." He tenderly kissed my forehead and moved aside. "Look who's here." I tilted my head.

Oh, oh, I'm gonna listen nicely for almost dying.

"You wouldn't listen, would you? You always do this! Put yourself in danger to save others! I know he's your husband and you love him, but what'd have happened if we lost you? What will we do? What will he do? WHAT WILL I DO?" She cried.

"Fions..." I didn't know what to say.

She considers me family and after her mother's demise, I was all she'd left to care for her. No one from her family cared. She'd uncles and aunts from both her father and mother's side, but they turned their backs on her after her mother died. So she always worries about losing me too.

"Don't abandon me like my family did, Rylls."

I reached out and hugged her, my eyes brimming with tears. She'd been my family too for years now. Since our high school, we've been inseparable and her mother adored me like her own daughter. After Mrs. Penn passed away, I was dejected too and that prompted me and her to become more close than we already were.

"You're my constant Fions, I can't even imagine me without you." I honestly said.

She pulled away, wiped her own tears before wiping my face and smiled at me. I gently squeezed her hands before she walked out to give me and Trevor our privacy.

"Lie down, Cherry. You should rest." He helped me lie down.

"I'm sorry for putting me and the baby in danger. I couldn't think of anything other than saving you when I saw Morgan aim at you." I apologised.

"I'm not mad at you, Cherry. You followed your instincts; I'm mad that I let that son of a b*tch take you, if anything happens to our baby, I'm solely to be blamed." He heavily sighed.

"Don't speak like that, Trevo. Besides, I don't think anything has happened to the baby, it's strong just like its father." I smiled weakly. He shook his head.

"I want it to be like its mother. Strong, bold, beautiful, kind and smart." He caressed my face.

"A little ruthlessness is also must, but only when needed." I chuckled.

We laughed, he hugged me again like never wanting to let go, but had to when the door opened and in walked aunt Wendy.

"Mom?" Trevor frowned. "Taylor told you?" She nodded and approached me.

"How're you, dear?" She held my hand in hers. "Just yesterday were we talking about how you've saved Trevor more than once, now this..."

I looked from her to him, wondering why he'd even tell her that. He gave me a 'I'd to' look. I understood that every accident, or incident I'd saved him from is connected with him, the business and our parents, so it's no surprise that he'd to tell her everything for her to make sense of the truth.

"It's not me, but his fate that didn't have death written for him during all those times. If not me, then someone else would've come to his aid." I assured her and tugged at her arm gently to sit beside me. "How're you doing? Worked on yourself to get better?" I steered the topic to her well being.

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