Twenty Six

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Trevor's POV;

~ Police Station ~

"Mr. Miles, can you recount the events that took place at the Williams Mansion on the day Morgan Williams attempted molestation on Mrs. Miles?"

Sorry what!? I did a double take.

"Pardon me, how's this related to me being a suspect of a deceitful marriage?" I asked the officer in front of me who was also the one at my doorstep this morning.

When he revealed why I was to be interrogated, I was really scared. Not because I'd be imprisoned, but because Cheryll would be out of my life. I'd no doubt that she isn't the one to call the cops, but why'd she miss an opportunity to free herself from this mess? This made me gloomy and I held an indifferent look all this while.

I remembered my conversation with Daniel the day all of our friends happened to see me shedding tears.

"May I know why this intense of an emotion is making itself obvious on you?" He teased, but I was serious.

"I'm done denying it Daniel," I took a deep breath. "I'm in love with Cheryll." I admitted.

His eyes had widened in shock, before a smile slowly crept up his lips. He'd hugged me and patted my back in appreciation.

"My apologies Mr. Miles, I didn't inform you of the current status to that case. Mrs. Miles denied the claims and also withdrew the case, so it's officially closed. Now you're here as a witness to the case regarding attempted molestation on Mrs. Miles and a victim of the case filed against Morgan Williams for trying to defame you by claiming you've deceived Mrs. Miles." He explained.

I was tongue tied. In just an hour I'd gone from being a suspect to being a victim and a witness to two different cases.

But who opened these?

"Who's the complainer?" I frowned.

"Mrs. Miles herself."

What!? Why'd she do that?

I remember her saying that she wasn't ready to face the media which would evidently happen if Morgan's under arrest for this, then why'd she change her mind?

"She said I didn't deceive her?"


"I'm no longer a suspect, for the case is now closed. May I hear the recording of her statement?" I immediately took my domineering stance and looked at the officer in the eye.

He didn't utter a word, just nodded and retrieved the tape from his table drawer, playing it for me to listen.

Everything she said was recorded in that, starting from her suspecting Morgan to have made the complaint on her behalf, till she asked to close the case. After that the recording ended, so I don't know what exactly she told the police about that traumatic night, but guessed it must've been the truth.

"To my earlier question, Mr. Miles..." He asked, rather unsure.

I nodded and began recounting the events of that night. Anger flared inside me, but I'd to control myself, so I clenched my hands into fists to keep myself from breaking things to vent my rage.

When I was done, the officer escorted me out and led me to his desk. I glanced at the senior officer's desk where Cheryll was before I was taken in for interrogation, but she wasn't there.

The officer who recorded my statements went to speak with the senior officer. After they agreed with each other that my statement matched with that of Cheryll's, they let me go home. I was about to walk out of the station as Cheryll was nowhere to be seen inside when the senior officer stopped me.

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