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Trevor's POV;

~ Miles Group ~

"Mr. Miles, the new manager for the administration department started his work today. He's been briefed about the deal we're to seal with the Roths and is currently working on it." Daniel informed.

It's Monday, of course he'd have joined. If he's joined then he's to be briefed about the current projects the company's working on and once he's aware of what to do then he'd have to do it if he wants to keep the job, isn't it?

Then why am I receiving a report?

"That's not news Daniel, he's doing his job. Why'd you report it to me?" I asked while not taking my gaze of the files I was going through.

"It's because, we found that his father was acquainted with Eric." Daniel replied.

That had my attention. Eric, dad's friend and an equal partner in his business.

"Who...who was his father!?" I asked and sounded like the impatient child who couldn't wait to know the answer to his question.

"Alexander Grover."

Who's Alexander Grover? That name doesn't ring any bells. I gave it some more thought, but didn't find any use so I gave Daniel the orders.

"You know what to do." Daniel nodded and left.

I rubbed my temples and rested my head on the backrest of the chair. I really hoped that we wouldn't meet with a dead end following this Grover guy. Every time we found something related to uncle Eric, it'd lead us to a dead end and it was staring to get to me.

It was like someone destroyed all means through which one could contact his family. But if someone did, then the question is; why? And how was it possible for someone to go into hiding like this?

Where are you and your daughter, aunt Brittany? I sighed, pinching the space between my eyes.

I regretted not getting to know uncle Eric's daughter back when we were kids. All I remembered about her was that she was all smiles and had a very bubbly personality; the reason we never got close to her as we were all action being the boys that we were.

As we grew up, we got busy with studies and the increasing pressure that came with it. Her parents called her Red because of her pink tinged skin and that's the name we remember of her, if we'd known her real name, it'd have been easier to track her down. We don't even remember what she looked like, the last we saw her was when we were twelve.

I will find your family, uncle Eric and make sure they get their shares from the Miles Group. I will.

"Mr. Miles, may I enter?" A playful voice came from behind the door followed by a knock.

"Taylor, stop messing." I said in a voice similar to grumbling.

Hearing my tone of voice, Taylor immediately pushed the door open and entered in. Worry was written all over his face.

"What happened?" He strolled to my side and touched my forehead with the back of his hand.

"My health is fine." I gently brushed his hand away and gestured for him to sit.

When he was seated I told him what Daniel had informed me earlier and the thoughts I'd following that.

"You think that uncle Eric could've hired someone to keep his family safe after him?" He asked. "I mean, I think it's possible." I glared at him.

"That's the most ridiculous theory you could ever come up with, you know?" I shook my head.

"Why? Isn't it possible?" He frowned.

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