5. What happened to us? [Mafiyami]

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"Hey Luca, where will you play tonight?" a bunch of girls were forming a crowd inside another classroom.

"Hmm, let me see. Can we play pool at your house tonight?" Luca Kaneshiro said with a grin on his face.

"I heard you have a lot of cats in your house, is it true?" one of his classmates asked and leaned in closer to Luca's face. Rumors spread easily.

"Hmm, yeah, spiders too. I can even adopt you" Luca loves to chat with girls and flirts with them. But he never dated anyone for some reason. He enjoyed being owned by beautiful girls in their dreams. He believed that if he ever had a girlfriend, the girl would end up having a bad high school experience for being bullied just because she was dating the guy loved by everyone. Luca noticed that their class president was crying silently on the corner. Her shoulders were shaking and soon their classmates began to worry. Who would dare to make their good president cry?

Luca sighed heavily and asked one of the girls what was wrong.
Luca leaned backwards to his chair and crossed his arms on his broad massive chest.

"Who made our President cry?" Luca asked with his thick brows furrowed. Luca maybe a flirt but he never forgives a guy who makes a girl cry.

"She said it was Mysta Rias from the second floor" the class secretary answered Luca. The president and the secretary were close friends. And the Vice President? He was doing fine in the corner.

"Class 4-A" one of the girls said. Luca found out that 'Mysta Rias' rudely rejected their class president's confession the other day. Mysta has been on edge lately so his mood was not in the best these days.

Luca shrugged his shoulders and made his way outside the classroom. He headed towards the classroom filled with normal high school students. As Luca walked in the hallway, girls greeted him with a 'Hey' and he replied them with a wink. He even made scrunching up his nose and a sour smile to be funny. Luca could be funny and attractive at the same time. He would never became the class' prince if he wasn't. One of his best asset is his long silky blonde hair. He looked so charming but brings a bad boy vibes because of his unique beauty and his sexy tattoos.

He went inside the classroom that has a signboard hanged above the door frame  written with a bold commercial text '4-A'.

"Alright Mysta! come out from mommy's shirt" Luca said loudly as the whole 4-A class looked at him.

Mysta was sleeping soundly at the back and Ike felt the urge to protect Mysta from this rampant guy.

"Hey toddler! let's have a nice chat, shall we?" Luca smirked at the sleeping boy but before Mysta could protest and face Luca, Ike appeared in front of Luca. Cold stares darting towards each other's eyes.

"Get lost, cat boy" Luca warned Ike but Ike never seemed to be intimidated.

"What do you want from Mysta?" Ike asked Luca. Luca rubbed a palm across his face as he scrunched up his nose and looked at Ike.

"That stupid brat just dumped one of the goddesses in my section. I can never forgive a jerk like him! Girls are precious, they must be treated like a queen, not a crying slug" Luca explained with his palm above his forehead and the other supporting his whole body leaning on a table. Luca looked cool with his position as he stared back at Ike who never failed to stare at him badly.

"My grandma talks better than you, idiot" Ike said with a bored look.

Luca's chest was rampaging as he heard Ike's insult. In his mind he was already killing this guy with a creepy smile on his face.

"This motherfucker!" Luca cursed as he was about to punch Ike in the face. Unfortunately, Shu arrived.

"Stop! What is going on here?!" Shu asked while storming towards the two beasts trying to kill each other with their raging stares. Shu then realized that it was the school's famous basketball player he was facing against the new hotshot transfer student with VIP family background.

"Hey?" Shu greeted Luca with a forced yet shy smile.

"Can we settle things down smoothly? Let's not be violent, okay?" Shu continued while standing in between the two. He felt so intimidated in between them that he immediately took a step back.

"He's the one making a fuss" Ike snorted like a child. Luca as hot tempered as he  began reaching for Ike's neck and give him a headbutt, but he failed since Shu never let that happened. Luca managed to avoid having eye contact with Shu every now and then.

"I don't need this idiot here! Hey Mysta Rias! you talk to me!" Luca shouted wildly and Shu finally decided to take full action.

"Luca, listen to me" Shu said seriously and held Luca's wrist. He dragged Luca out of the room and brought him in a corner where only few people could see them.

Luca's heart was beating like crazy as he felt Shu's warm palm wrapped around his wrist. He stared at it for a moment and Shu noticed it so he let Luca's hand go.

"Why do you always love making a scene?" Shu asked, slightly troubled and annoyed. Luca frowned and looked away.

"Why do you care?" Luca asked Shu with a question which made the smaller boy frowned.

"Because you are my friend, stop treating me like a stranger" Shu said.

Shu and Luca were childhood friends and they used to be inseparable. One day, Luca changed in an instant. He started avoiding Shu for no particular reason. That hurt Shu a lot, it even made him cry for countless nights. He used to chase Luca in the crowd or did his very best to talk to Luca and ask him what have he done wrong but he always never had a chance. Luca was popular and was always surrounded with people, especially the girls. Shu just watched Luca from a far who was smiling towards other people but never did receive any glance from his former friend.

"You still don't want to tell me, Luca?" Shu asked with his head bowed.

"About abandoning me suddenly?"


The words strucked Luca right through his chest and he decided to answer him.

"Just because" Luca answered and shrugged his shoulders.

Shu thought 'What did I ever do to make Luca avoid me?'

His eyes started forming tears as he tried to hold them back. Boys don't cry in front of a guy.

"I don't know what did I do to make you hate me, Luca. Still, I'm sorry" Shu said with a bitter smile and let out a heavy sigh.

"My father always says...'If you're innocent, then smile and prove it" Shu said hopelessly.

Luca sneered and chuckled.

"Yeah whatever" The taller guy turned his back and tilted his head, enough to see Shu's dumped face.

"We're not going back like before, Shu" Luca said and left Shu in the corner, puzzled. Shu's heart felt heavy and empty.

'Why does everyone love abandoning me? Even though I've been trying my best to be a good person?' Shu thought and clutched his chest. Luckily he was able to hold back his tears until Luca was gone.

But not long enough until he decided to unhold them. He thought, "What happened to us, Luca?"

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