58. I got you

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Two months later

"Hey Mysta, any news from Ike?" Shu asked with a concerned look. His relationship with Luca became stronger compared to Mysta with Ike. The spoiled brat even started giving hints about wanting to adopt a daughter and name her Rose in the future. He was asking his uncle about the best villas and houses. He started listing down the places he wanted to go with Shu. As for the good guy, Shu kept reminding Luca of enjoying their current relationship and don't think too much about the future since they are still young.

"Still none" Mysta replied with a deep sigh. Luca has been considerate towards him and not starting a fight ever since Ike deserted Mysta. Luca knew the feeling of being abandoned despite doing every right thing. Thanks to Shu, he became a better man. Maybe he couldn't comfort Mysta like how Shu could but at least, he was not an annoyance to his former cat-dog partner.

"Say Mysta, what do you think is his reason this time?" Shu asked as the three of them decided to walk on the way back home.

"I have no idea. Ikey's unpredictable and I don't know what's on his mind all the time." Mysta replied. He smiled bitterly while bowing his head, kicking the tiny stones with his feet on the ground. He kept on looking for Ike everywhere but he still had no idea where  his boyfriend had gone to.

"It's amusing that you are looking for him this time. You used to never care whether he is around or not before. You must have fallen hard for him, right?" Shu asked. Mysta remained silent and mentally agreed. He would never looked for Ike if he wasn't captivated by him. He would have never stopped playing games and cry every night if he wasn't head over heels for him. He would have never begged desperately at Ike the last time they had sex if he wasn't crazy for him.

"Maybe, this is his way of running away when he couldn't do anything. Maybe he's leaving me again for my own sake. Maybe, he's doing it again because he thinks this is the better way for both of us. Maybe he loved me too much that he had better plans for our separate lives." Mysta said and sighed deeply.

"This may sound ridiculous and selfless, but I still want to see him again. Whether he'd leave me again, disappear in the air like a bubble or abandon me like a lost puppy, I still want to see him at least one last time and tell him properly what I feel" Never in Mysta's life he had ever imagine he could be so martyr for the sake of someone he loves.

"Let me tell you this, I almost gave up with him" Luca said with a bitter smile and pointed Shu.

"But the moment that he returned my feelings, all the hardships I have gone through instantly became worth it. Nothing's more precious than being loved back by the person you treasure the most" Luca said and smirked at Mysta.

"A piece of advice, when you see him again, punch him in the face real hard that he would never dare to leave you again" Luca laughed evily. He just wanted to spoil the mood since the atmosphere was getting heavier and lonelier.

"Not just punch, I'll kick his damn face so he would remember and never do it again" Mysta said while cracking his fingers.

Two weeks passed and Mysta decided to take a break of finding Ike for one day. He caught a slight fever and took care of himself. His mother had been taking care of him and luckily he got better pretty sooner. He tried to entertain himself by skating again some other time, hoping he would spot Ike among the crowds one day. He started playing games again but not too late since Ike kept reminding him before to take care of himself. He studied harder so he could be better when he sees Ike again. He didn't want to look like a loser in front of Ike like before. He began to socialize a bit towards other people and would hang out with them some other time so he could lessen the nights where he cries. Every place that he and Ike had been to kept reminding him of the memories he had together with him.

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