54. I badly want to kiss right now 💛💜💛💜

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Saturday morning...

Dizzy, Shu woke up early on an unfamiliar bed.

"Where am I?" Shu asked himself. He noticed that his T-shirt was loose so was his jersey shorts. He suddenly remembered what happened last night.


"Sleep beside me, Luca" Shu pouted, tugging Luca's shirt as the tall guy tried to escape from temptation.

"No, I'll sleep outside" Luca replied, his thick brows frowning.

"You're going to abandon me again?!" Shu started crying miserably, the power of alcohol is awesome. Shu had been clingy since he went to Luca's house.

"Fine, I'll watch you till you fall asleep" Luca sighed and sat on the bed side.

"Hold my hand then" Shu demanded like a kid and offered his hand. Luca held his hand, hoping that this fantasy would last longer. Shu wanted to vomit and he couldn't managed to get inside the bathroom, he ended up puking at Luca's shirt. Luca had to change his clothes and lent Shu his clothes too. It was really a challenge for Luca to change Shu's clothes from top to bottom without doing anything unnecessary while seeing every part of the person he loves. He couldn't believe himself that he managed to survive without jerking off from the bathroom. Maybe because at the back of his head, Shu's disgusted face would pop up if he dared to.


"Oh my god!" Shu gasped and covered his mouth. His face flushed red as he remembered everything that he did last night.

A knock on the door startled Shu so he immediately pretended to be asleep again. Luca came inside with a soup and hangover medicine.

"Oh? You're still asleep? I'll just bring this back and return here when you're awake" Luca said and walked towards Shu. The smaller boy was hiding half of his face under the blanket when he felt Luca's warm palm on his forehead.

"Good thing you didn't catch a cold. Just a hangover, huh?" Luca chuckled and turned his back to let Shu rest. Shu peeked at the spoiled brat being caring and sweet towards him.

"Luca" Shu called Luca's name softly but the spoiled brat pretended not to hear it. Just hearing Shu calls his name makes his heart ache. He continued walking towards the kitchen and sat on the chair. He stared at the soup he made for Shu and looked at the dirty sink. He didn't know how to cook and he did his best to make a good soup for Shu. He searched it on the internet and woke up early so he could make one. He has tried different kinds of 'soups' and all of them were failures. The last one was the best he could make. He was about to call for a delivery, he gave up about giving this 'garbage' to his puppy having hangover, but Shu appeared in the entrance of the kitchen.

"Hey" Luca greeted his best friend with a smile. Luca immediately hid his hands plastered with band-aids because of the cuts he got from chopping and peeling vegetables. Shu frowned and glared at Luca. He knew that Luca was hiding something from him when the spoiled brat kept bowing his head.

"Let me see your hands" Shu said and placed his arms on the table, waiting for Luca to show his hands.

"You don't have to see it. They're just cuts since I don't know how to peel vegetables. Try to taste the soup I made for you. I can make delivery if you won't like it" Luca said and held his hands firmly under the table, it started to become itchy and stingy.

"I won't say it twice, Luca" Shu said seriously with a concerned voice. His angelic aura surrounding him, Luca couldn't win against it. The spoiled brat rolled his eyes and showed his hands on the table. It wasn't just cuts, it really looked and felt painful. Shu held Luca's hands gently and he was about to kiss Luca's hands, but Luca pulled them away immediately.

NEVER [Ikesta & Lucashu]🔞❗COMPLETED✔️Where stories live. Discover now