33. He's Back

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The break was over but Mysta's heartbreak never was.

He was transferred to Luca's class the next school year. Though Mysta never gave a damn about it, Shu was concerned. That was the first time that someone from his class was transferred out of their section.

"Oi, are you lost, babyboi?" Luca asked Mysta with his usual sarcastic voice as he smirked at the pissed guy.

"No I'm not, now piss off" Mysta said calmly as he headed towards the back row and sat on one of the chairs. Luca was taken aback that Mysta didn't look at him in the eyes when the rebel guy was talking back. Which only meant, Mysta was not in the mood to play teasing game with the spoiled brat. Luca thought, 'So they haven't made up yet? Ike and Mysta?'

Luca rolled his eyes and returned to his seat as he decided not to disturb Mysta anymore. Bullying a fox who just recently turned into a timid rat is not fun at all.

"Whatever" the spoiled brat hissed as he filled up his thoughts about telling Shu what has been happening to Mysta since Ike left. He wanted to tease Mysta for dropping down his grades and ending up with the same class as him. But something doesn't feel right.


"Hey Shubert, what happened to Mysta?" Luca asked Shu. Shu was elected as the class president for this year again. He deserved the treatment of his classmates very well.

"I don't know, his grades were not that bad. Why did he end up in your section? I wonder why?" Shu said without considering Luca's reaction.

"The way you said it, it feels like you were really looking down on me. I hate you!" Luca said in a childish way and stormed out of Shu's classroom. Shu chuckled and turned his back towards the other end of the hallway. Shu went back to his classroom and waited for the next teacher.


ONE week later...

"Hi everyone! It's good to see you! I'm Ike Eveland, nice to meet you" the guy introduced himself naturally with a smile. Shu's eyes widened with his mouth agaped. He stared at Ike for a very long time as if he was observing the cheerful guy he used to know.

"You can sit next to the class president" the teacher said. The reason why no one sits next to Shu was because: people will start to compare the person who sits next to the president. Ike smiled at Shu naturally like how he used to smile at the president as friends.

Shu was confused. He thought, 'Should I ask him about Mysta and him? Are we still friends? Why did he disappear?'

"Shu, are you okay?" Ike's voice interrupted Shu's thought which made the president flinch a bit.

"Huh? Ah yeah?" Shu answered. He thought it was not the perfect time to ask Ike. Maybe, he should just wait for a little while and see if Mysta already know that Ike is back.


"Hey Pres!" Ike called Shu with a smile as Shu was about to leave the classroom and call it a day. The class just ended and Shu was not able to talk to Ike personally except answering Ike's questions related to their subjects. Shu turned his head enough to see Ike's smiling face and replied "Yes?"

"Do you know where Mysta is?" Ike asked curiously. Shu released a heavy sigh and smiled. He thought, 'Oh! I thought I would be dragged into this awkward situation again.'

"Yes! Probably, he's at the music room. See you tomorrow!" Shu said. He just wanted to run away and not talk about how Mysta became so rebel during the summer break. Shu wanted Ike to find it out for himself. Shu did his best looking out for Mysta as if he is his own little brother during summer break. But there's a limit on how he can be nosy to Mysta's personal life. Mysta trying to cut off contact with him adds up to the awkwardness too if Shu forces himself to the guy on a rampage.


Mysta was playing the drums softly with a straight face. He saw the familiar figure standing at the door and recognized the guy. His heart was beating so fast that he could not happen to look away quickly. Gulping, Mysta managed to maintain his poker face as if he didn't recognize Ike at all. Summer break without Ike felt like hell. He realized how hard he had fallen and how much he love him during the guy's absence. He thought he was gonna go crazy waking up everyday knowing that Ike is no longer available in his life.

Hurt, Mysta acted as if he didn't know Ike in the first place. Ike took a step forward but Mysta's word made him stop from where he was standing.

"Stay where you are" Mysta said coldly. He didn't look at the poor kitten in front of him. He placed the drumsticks above the drums and picked up his bag. He immediately walked towards the exit as his shoulder bumped into Ike's broader one. Ike was shocked at how he noticed Mysta's attitude became worse than before towards him. He could never blame the rebel guy, it was his fault after all.  Leaving so suddenly without a word was never the best option to do.

"Mysta, wait!" Ike shouted desperately as if that would be their last encounter. Mysta continued walking away in a cool posture without minding whether Ike might catch up with him or not.

"You need something?" Mysta asked coldly while looking directly into Ike's eyes.

"Can we talk?" Ike asked politely, he began biting his bottom lip as a sign that he is absolutely nervous.

"That's what we are doing right now" Mysta said sarcastically.

"No, I mean" Ike said as he reached for Mysta's hand but the rebel guy slapped Ike's one away.

"Don't fucking touch me you bastard" Mysta warned Ike, and he meant it.

"I'm sorry" Ike said in the most sincere way. It was as if he was saying sorry not for touching Mysta but for leaving the rebel guy suddenly.

"I forgave you. Now, fuck off and never show yourself to me again? Ever" Mysta said with full of sarcasm.

He wanted to say, 'If you only knew how miserable I was when you left. How fucking dare you show yourself confidently after what you did?'

"Mysta, please listen to me-"

"Cut the crap, I won't listen to you." Mysta said bitterly as he started walking away.

"Mysta, please. Baby, I'm sorry" Ike said desperately which made Mysta stop from walking and looked at Ike with a disgusted face.

"What the hell did you just call me? You sure have the guts huh?!" Mysta yelled in disbelief as he faked a disgusted cough.

"Are you still attached with what happened before? Are you still guilty for what you did to me? Let me say this, dumbass. And listen carefully because I'll only say it once." Mysta said plainly.

"I was thankful that you left me. I've learned from it and that was horrible. Stop acting like you're very sorry and that you'll die if you won't have me back. That was fun and you were good. You got what you wanted and I'm cool with it. Have a nice life ahead-" Mysta's eyes widened as Ike grabbed his wrist and pulled him for a hug. Mysta's heart was racing unsteadily but he didn't show it.

"Let go" Mysta said coldly but Ike pushed him on the wall and attempted to kiss him. Ike was hurt when he saw Mysta's poker face looking at him. Mysta never showed any fear nor didn't show any reaction when he was about to kiss him. It was as if he was facing a dead person. Mysta looked so bored and done with him.

"Now what? You're going to force me? Weren't you about to kiss me? Why did you stop? Huh? You fucking psychopath" Mysta asked with a blank face which made Ike's heart sink. He could see the emptiness in Mysta's eyes.

"You never changed. You still act like a kid. How boring. I didn't even get excited when you got angry, you good for nothing son of a bitch." Mysta said calmly as he pushed Ike away.

"Find another toy you can play with. I had fun and I'm no longer interested. Let's call it quits." Mysta said before disappearing from Ike's sight.

Mysta went inside the comfort room and bit his bottom lip hardly that it started bleeding. His hands and feet were shaking that he wanted to collapse.

"I can't believe I just did that" Mysta said to himself with a deep breath. His heart is beating like crazy, "He's fucking back. How am I supposed to act now?"

I miss him so much I just want to hug him despite abandoning me. I'm so low.

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