Chapter 1

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A Sudden Sally

The curse that I am dealing with is no doubt a special curse and to make that worse it was slimy , have an unpleasant smell and multiply into million little pieces. I sigh as exorcising it would be quite gruesome and hard as it is unexpectedly strong and my years of not training was not making it easy either. I withdraw my sword from the ground and attempt to slice through it again , this time with more force. But in vain , it multiplied its arm resulting my sword to break in half . "Shit" I cursed as it charge it's body to mine which made me fly a few meters away.

I get up , clench my hands and made up my mind. "It's ok " said the voice in my head as the slimy creature attempts to attack me again. The curse energy inside of me awakens for the first time in many years. "Cursed Technique: Costellation of Stars!" , I yelled as stars surround the curse and launched at it and then explodes with a loud bang.It cried in pain but was persistent to keep itself up with an angry look. However, I flew past the curse and yelled , "Blood Moon" as the crimson ray cuts the curse.The curse vanished into thin dust never to be seen by anyone else.

My name is (M/N) (L/N) and Iam currently living in a small town in Hokaido. The town although small and humble was very peaceful and safe, at least for now. The people are kind and humorous . I make my way to my little house all covered in sweat and slime.I practically shuddered at the thought of covering in sweat and slime , so I ran to the shower. I take off my clothes and examine myself in the mirror , my thoughts linger around as I stare at my reflection. It has been so long since I think about all the things that happened in the past . The past I wished to forget ; I choose to live a peaceful life and that was all I really wanted. But somewhere deep down inside my heart , the guilt still exists in it's own desire that I can never get rid of it. I shrugged off the thought and let the cool water run through my body cleansing every dirt and anxiety. I dry myself with a towel and pick out my outfit for the day. As I walk on the way to my shop , a thought appears on my mind yet again. The town has never been the site to curses for the past 8 years ; therefore, the cause for such a strong curse to appear out of nowhere was a strange mystery.

After a few minutes a familiar door greeted me and I smiled. Iam the florist in this small town and I actually enjoyed doing my job. I have a small yard outside my house and I planted some flowers one fine day and since started my own floral business. Everyday the people would buy flowers from me and since then I open a shop which supports me. It may not be the best when one thinks about money but it's more than enough for my survival and comfort.
A shy teenager walk in my shop and ask me if I sell roses.
"What colour would you like?" I ask with a smile.
I give him a bouquet of red roses and ask, "Who is it for?"
"My mum she's in the hospital , it's her favourite flower "  the boy reply with a sad smile .
"I hope she gets well soon" I smile sincerely. The boy smile and walk out of the door.

Today is not like the days when one dares not to sit, so I spend my time reading the novel "Norwegian Wood" by Haruki Murakami. I find myself relating to the protagonist Watanabe Toru in many ways . His numbness and loneliness matches mine in a scary manner. His average abilities , his indecisiveness, his guilt towards the past , his average physical appearance, his lonely life and most of all his inability to move on while everyone does  proves our life as a young adult painfully similar. We are somehow trapped in the past , in the same place where we loved the company of a certain someone and never wanting to go ahead in life although it had been long gone .Reading the book also makes me contemplate about my life in Tokyo , the life that I gave away. It really makes me miss the bustling crowds , the buildings, doing odd missions , climbing up the hills to Jujutsu Tech , sneaking out late in the night , laughing around in a silly manner , unexpectedly falling in love, getting hurt , grief, happiness and all the natural things that balances life. I shrug off the nostalgia and focus on my book which I now use as a mere mean to distract myself from thinking. I arrange and clean some pots and serve customers every now and then. The great thing about being a florist is that you don't need extra physical labour . All one needs is patience and love.

Soon enough, the sun begins to sink in the horizon allowing the night to take over, and the sun rests to let his lover glow faintly in the dark soulless night. I clean up the shop and put the leftover flowers in a vase . I sit for sometime not really wanting to go home. I play some music and open a can of coke .
"the taste the touch
the way we love
it all comes down to make
the sound of our
love song"

The song goes as the melody relaxes my body making the couch that I was currently sitting in a little too comfortable. I yawn and get up from the couch not wanting to fall asleep.The stray cats meow outside and the crickets sing their song as if they were performing in an opera . I look out of the window and watch the moon shining in all of its glory . The stars twinkle due to the refraction of  atmospheric density and change their positions in an unnoticiable way which made them appear to look like they twinkle. As the night was getting late and as I was getting ready to call it a day, the bell chimes unexpectedly . I see a figure that I have long to see despite my pride , prejudice and ego.

His snow white hair was glowing under the light of the pale moon , purple blindfold covering his sky blue eyes. I stand still, not knowing what to do. I see his mouth forming a grin . And if it were anybody else, I would have find it creepy. A tall white haired man, grinning crazily with his eyes covered in a blindfold.
"Satoru" I call out in disbelief yet the curse energy makes it absolutely clear that it was indeed him.
"A bouquet of daisies for a lovely florist" he grins even wider wider after sensing my confusion, I was not expecting that he would visit me without telling me or asking me where I was . This night I have no idea that my life will make a sudden sally. Like a  brook in it's way to join the brimming

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