Chapter 6

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We walked back to the dorm , tired and sleepy. We lazily opened the door of my room and fell on the bed. Without realising, I stripped off my clothes and covered my body with a blanket. Satoru however was eyeing me curiously and looked away when I caught him staring. I too began to realise that I was almost naked . He can't,however blame me because I did what my body told me to do. I began to feel shy as I grew redder. However, I was too lazy and tired to put on my clothes. "Sorry" I apologised for my behaviour. He must have found it weird because he tried to leave without saying a word . The moon was peeking through the window, trying to conceal itself, however it failed miserably as it's ray was scattering in several places.

I felt a void in myself and without any second thoughts, I grabbed his hands .
"Stay" I pleaded him , letting go of all my pride and ego. I just wanted to be with him tonight, I just wanted to be with him tonight. The feeling in my heart was too strong to deny it , it was a mixture of joy, fear , anxiety and pain. How could I feel this way? Was it wrong? Was this only temporary? Was this because he was nice to me and gave me his attention.There were thousands of questions in my mind.I wanted to ask him all of it , I wanted to read his mind , I wanted to ask him if he was feeling this unexplainable feeling in his heart too. However, all I needed from him at this moment was to stay . Only for a brief moment would be enough.

He chuckled and sat by my side. "You are cute when you act like this" he teased , adjusting his body so that he can lay by my side . He took off his jacket and put his sunglasses on the table. The bed was a little small for his body , so his feets did not fit on the bed . I lay facing away from his face , I could feel him warmth from behind my bare back. I was feeling tired and drowsy, he hugged my back from behind and snuggled his head in my neck.
I giggled, "Stop" , he enjoyed this and moved his head more violently. I turned around and met him , blue eyes staring deep into my (e/c) eyes . His smile could lighten up any depressed man's day and I could hardly conceal my blush despite being in the dark. We were now facing each other , the tight bed not allowing any inch between us . We stayed like that for some time and I could make out the blush on his face . For the first time , he found himself unable to crack a sassy joke or tease me. He was however, okay with the way we were. He did not seem hesitant to lay in the beg with me. With my almost naked body. I buried my face into his chest, knowing that I will probably regret it later . But I did it anyway, I could make out the scent of his cologne and small traces of sweat but in contrast, he smelled like air . That kind which you breathe every, the kind which you get used of . That very air which we are familiar with and will cease to exist if we  are to live without it. For me , it was a familiar smell , yet it was all I needed right now. What kind of person have I become? Have I made a fool of myself? I really hope not.

"(M/n) , I really don't want you to know but my infinity sometimes turns off in it's own will when I'm around you" he said burying his face into my neck. "His head fits perfectly in my neck" was my first thought, but the thing that he just said got me to thinking that there might be something more in his words. We just stayed like that until I could feel my breath becoming heavier. The next morning when I woke , there was no Gojo Satoru in my bed. It was just me. All by myself. "Shit" I sighed, recalling last night's incident. Was I being a creep?
It took everything in me to get dressed that day , however what needs to be done needs to be done. I could pretend to not know everything, which would be difficult , however, I really got no choice in that matter . If he chose to forget and ignore, I would mirror his action. Though like I said , would be difficult for my part.

Love is a lie. I was completely being ignored the whole day. Geto and Shoko could feel the intensity between the two of us. They know nothing tho. We deny it of course but they were not buying it . They continued to ignore it , knowing that we would soon make up if we fight or anything. We never glanced at each other, running away when we met, excusing oneself, if the other is present. I really did not understand why he hated me that much. After all it was he who chose to stay, he could have not stay at all . But my self conscious knew that it was I who stripped in front of him , from his point of view , it looked as if I was seducing him or flirting with him. But why would he feel that way , unless he was feeling something. Should I not have agreed to go the forest with him in the first place?

Weeks passed and still not a single word came from Satoru, I was not talking to him either if he was not willing to even look at me .Why would I? I would stoop as low as possible if he wanted to play that game . Besides , I love the company of Shoko, Geto , Nanami and even Yaga sensei better than that dick head Gojo. I could be better off without him . He acted all superior when he was the one burying his head in my neck and inhaling my smell. He was the one, telling me that his infinity turned off on it's own when I'm around him. However, I realised that I was just recalling last week's incident. I was very much attached to him and denied missing him. He was the one whom I never thought of losing and now I'm slowing losing him. He further proves that he was able to move on just fine , the thought of that to happen to me was almost revolting. He was off to mission
for the first time with Geto after our fight. I watched them from the window and bid Geto a good luck , he look at me sympathetically and wave at me. Gojo was ignoring me and never bothered to stop walking. I was felt lonelier than I have ever been . I contemplate all the things that we have done , the friday nights and the night in the forest. Happiness has never been on my side , in fact it hated me, it was happy when he sees me suffer and in pain . The same goes for love, it never ever smiled for me when it was all that I was yearning for . I hate love because of you. Gojo Satoru. I cried myself to sleep that night.

When I woke up in the morning, there were daisies besides me.

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