Chapter 14

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Being a dramatic person that Iam, I want to forget everything. At this point, I feel like everything has stopped. I was still sitting in my bed, frozen, tears fell down from my eyes uncontrollably and I could not move an inch. I have been like this for the past I don't know how many minutes. I really do not know what to do. The sound rings in my head and it horrifies me in the most gruesome way. Getting tired of trying to forget, I decide to do what every men does when they want to forget something. Getting high. The world was cruel to me in so many ways. Gojo Satoru had been cruel to me in so many ways ever since I move back to Tokyo, so , I might as well be cruel to myself.

I reached the bar within a blink of an eye and the smell of alcohol immediately enters my nose making me want to throw up. I asked the bartender to give me something strong, something so strong that it would make me forget about everything and anything even if it is just for a while. The drink arrived with a pretty display and by the look at it, it does not seem to be strong at all. I take a sip, and boy was I wrong. The liquor burns down inside my throat making me cough.
The alcohol was cruelly strong and in no time I felt high. For a few minutes, I was very happy, grinning and smiling at everyone around me. I feel like I was flying and floating around the room like the music notes when played by a violin. I forget everything for a brief moment and I was in cloud nine. My entire body relaxes and my cheek starts fluttering. I hiccup a dozen of time and I make my way to the dance floor. I see everything in slow motion and the illumination neon eyes fill my vision with such intensity that all I see is the colour neon , red , blue , violet and green. My body moves on it's own and it immediately find a partner. The unknown stanger rub his body against mine and gets a hold of my butt.
"Stop it dude!"
I move away and I see stars , stars spinning in this crowded room. I do not really know where to go, so I just follow my legs to where it's taking me. The disco light illuminates various colours and just when I thought everything was red, it was blue all of a sudden. I turn back to the dance floor and sadness took over my mind. I see the past few weeks in a flashback, it was a happy one at first, Gojo's eyes and his silly smile. the ring he gave me, the fireworks, the kiss. But then, everything went pitched black and all I could see was the cold look on Gojo's face. We stand next to each other and he said, "Who would have know that you are such a manwhore"
followed by the moan and his smirk.

I have confessed to him many times through words and in actions. But he never have any idea. He just laughs it off and he would pretend to not know everything. My efforts were always in vain, when he makes a move he always backs up. It's always one step forward and three steps back. While I was getting lost in my thought, my heart beats faster than ever . I was not angry but I was sad. In the centre of the room, I see his white hair glowing. Everything is like slow motion, I could not see everyone besides me. It's like staring at oneself in a mirror with no one in the room. But instead of seeing myself, I see Satoru, smiling at me. I run to him but somehow I always return to my starting place. I can see him holding out his hands, waiting for me come to him. But the unknown force between us was so strong. It's like trying to connect the south pole of a magnet to another south pole.
I fell on the floor and cried. "How pathetic" I thought to myself. The drink had taken a wrong effect in me and I was full of self pity and hatred. After some time, I sense a person coming near me.
"Satoru?" I called out.
He picks me up from the floor and I immediately hug him. But something was different, it did not feel like Satoru at all. He was not as tall as I remember him to be. However, I cried on his chest and I noticed that he smells nothing like Satoru. I look up and it was an unknown person, the person holds my chin and try to force his lips on mine. I punch at his stomach and take a step back. My breath was heavy and the whole room was suddenly spinning in fast motion after everything felt so slow. The mirrorball reflects everyone's faces. Suddenly, I was in a room full of Gojo Satoru. They were all pointing at me. Some laugh, some smirked, some frowned, and some with no expression.

I feel so small and helpless. It was as if the universe was telling me how superior Gojo Satoru was as compared to me and it became clear to me that I was hallucinating all along. Have I become so desperate? I don't want him to be part of my life anymore but here I was hallucinating him and being all needy. I let out a bitter laugh and sigh. When will it end? In all honesty, I really think I should move on but I don't want to move on. The thing is that, when he makes a move and show some affection, I can see our whole future together but it always shattered in the process.

I feel a gentle tap on my back and I look up. It was not Gojo Satoru anymore but it was Nanami Kento. His blonde hair is disheveled unlike his usual neat slick back. His face looks worried , anxious and relieve. We made eye contact and once again, I could not help crying. Tears fall from my eyes and I look away. Seeing him, the world returns to it's normal state. It was neither slow nor fast. It was just as it's supposed to be. He bends down and take off his jacket and put it over me.
"It's okay (m/n). Cry all you want"
His deep voice calms my aching heart but the pain was too strong for me to stop crying. He sits down on the floor with me and embraces me with a hug. It was at this time that I realised, I crave for company. My years of isolation was not as beneficial as I thought it was.
Nanami picks me up and the world is a little blurry and then it went pitch black.

I wake up in a familiar room and instantly know that I was in Nanami's house. I check my surrounding and saw Nanami sleeping on a chair besides my bed. He looks so peaceful and handsome. The way he cares for me is undeniably adorable. However, this tells a lot about how he feels. I reach my hands on his hair. He opens his eyes and I immediately withdraw my hand but he holds it and puts in on his face. I caress his face and it felt nice.
"How did you know where I was?"
"I was about to invite you to dinner but you were not there"
"Oh! my bad"
"What did that dickhead do to you"
I laugh and withdraw my hand.
"I swear if he hurts you-"
"Thank you Nanami. For always taking care of me"
He get off the chair and sit besides me.
We had a staring contest and I was the first one to blush.
"(m/n) you are so blind"
"What do you mean?"
"The way I've been acting around you, you never seem to notice it. Sometimes, I can't stop my mind to stop thinking such vulgar things when you're near me"
I went closer to his side and sits on his laps. I take a good look at him and he seems shock by my move but nonetheless, he seems to like it. He pulls me closer to him I play with his soft blonde hair.
"I really don't want to play with your feelings Kento." I whisper in his ear and he stares at my lips.
"If so then play with my feelings as much as you wany (m/n)"
He grabs my head and we kiss. The kiss was unexpected nice and I kiss him back.
His lips were soft and his kiss was gentle.
But, while kissing him I never felt the sparks but at the same time I felt the electric touch. When we were done , I walk to the bathroom and wash my face.
I wish that it was you Gojo Satoru. I wish you would kiss me and hold me tight. I wish that you would find me and kiss me in that crowded room. But , from now, there is nothing I can do but move on.

Hi!!! I'm back with an author's note.
First of all, I want to thank you for your constant support. Because of you my book has reached 10k reads and gosh I did not expect that to happen. Thank you for choosing to read my book although it is mid as hell and even with the grammatical errors and having to proofread yourself.
Secondly, Im sorry for the short chapters although you have to wait for a week. But it's really difficult as I make the story according to the flow. But I do know the ending but ill not be spoiling you. I hope you can understand that. I think I'm halfway through the story, and thank you again for all your support.

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