Chapter 13

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I wake up with a burning sensation in my forehead. I check my temperature and notice that it was higher than normal. The room was still dark and no trace of sunlight can be seen. The clock beside my bed tells that it was 4:13 am. At times like this, being alone makes me want to cry. One has to do everything by himself. I swallow a big pill and drink the water that I have stored in a water bottle. The water was cool, it flows down my sore throat , acting like an immediate antidote. Sometimes, we forget that we need something and when we remember it, it's impact is always significant. However , we always neglect it once we had benefited from it. For me, coming back to Tokyo was the thing that I never thought  I needed it.However it proved to be very beneficial and it was worth every hesitation. If I keep my beef with Gojo aside, it would have been wonderful.

I sigh after remembering that I have thought of him yet again. No matter how hurtful his words were, the fact that he will always hold a special place in my heart  does not change at all. I take a sip of the water again. It has a little to no taste.But, it was addictive, distinctive and one cannot live without it. It was as addictive as Gojo's kiss. I can still remember it after all those years and can still remember the feeling I felt when he gave me his last kiss. I punch myself in the face. "Don't think about it". Missing Gojo's kiss does not need to be in my mind right now. There has been a void in my heart ever since I left Tokyo and a few weeks ago, I found the thing that has filled the void. But now , that void has come back and it is larger than ever.

I did not manage to fall asleep but the painkillers has helped me significantly to cope with the pain. I watched the sun slowly entering the creeks from the window in my room and before I manage to fall asleep again, the alarm went off. I have a meeting with Principal Yaga today and he was rather serious about it and I could not afford to be late. When I was finished with cleaning and dressing myself, I went to the 1st year classroom. To my surprise, they were seated quietly unlike other days. They were rather cool and gloomish and I could feel their tense aura upon entering the door.
"Whoah! Someone's in a bad mood today"
I announce trying to make the mood lighter. They start to whisper to each other and they all look at Yuji and then me. "Sensei why did you run out the other day?" Yuji suddenly burst out.
So it was indeed noticeable to them.
"Yeah, I was not feeling well" I lied and I notice that my voice was different because of the fever which was a life saver since they seem to be buying my lie.
"Gojo sensei was worried sick'' Megumi spoke while looking at me with worried eyes. I have not had the time to have a chat with Megumi since we were both so busy. We see each other in classes and in trainings but we never get to talk and chit chat about my disappearance and his life after that.

"Can he though?" I chuckle. Gojo Satoru being worried about me seems so fake.
"So today Iam meeting with the Principal and I will dismiss you ear..." the door suddenly opens and the sight makes my stomach churn.
"Yes I can get worried too" his face was not happy at all. It seemed like as if someone has eaten his sweets. I choose to ignore his presence and continue my speech. "As I was saying, I will dismiss you early today . You are free to do whatever you want" . I left the classroom without turning back and went to Yaga's office.

" No way!" I protest. The higher ups have assigned me and Gojo for a mission.
"Why? I thought it would be a good opportunity to catch up with each other."
Yaga debate with me. It's very ironic that we have to go on a mission while we are beefing and I think I might know the person behind it. "It's your idea right?"
I confront him and he kept quiet. "How ironic!"
"The aura between you and Satoru is tense. I can feel it. You need each other now go without protesting further"
I hastily walk out of his office and slam his door with a much stronger force than required. My first mission was with him and now 12 years later, my first mission will be with him. I literally cannot believe that Yaga-sensei would go this far just so we can make up with each other. However, I cannot refuse as I respect him for being my teacher.

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