Chapter 26

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Nothing New

The bells chime on a fateful Friday morning. I have not been sleeping well and much to my disappointment, there were dark bags under my eyes and 2 new acne. I sigh looking at my reflection which was clearly stressed. I have been dressed from head to toe and my makeup artist could clearly see my bad mood. It must have been natural in one way. After all, it's my special day and I have every right to be stressed and anxious.
"Sorry about my mood. I'm feeling very nervous. I hope you understand that."
I smiled at my makeup artist Charlotte.
She smiled back saying that she totally understands me. I watch my dark circles and acne slowly disappearing as she conceal it with some magic. When she was done, I sat for some time looking at myself. I wonder if Satoru feels as overwhelmed as I do. I can picture him with his suit, his blue eyes and white hair, smiling ;waiting for me at the church.

There was a knock on my door, I opened it and found a large bouquet of daisies. I smiled knowing who sent it. I pick it up and place it on my dressing table. There was a note that said "I love you".
"I love you too" I whispered as if I was speaking to him. However, our visit to his parents last week still lingers on my mind.
If I were being honest, it is all I ever think about. He told me not to worry about it but I know that he thinks about it too.
Our nights together were quiet ever since that day. I know that he was calling someone when he thinks I'm asleep. When he comes back, he would kiss me and sleep by my side. I know that the one he's calling is his mother. I wonder if it will all work out after we're married. Even if we were married, there would be many obstacles from the clan, but i'm down for it as long as I'm with him. I can't imagine a life without him anymore. He is the only one who has touched me both body and soul. He has left his marks all over me that it was hard to think of anything else but him. His kiss linger like a tattooed kiss, his taste is remembered in my tastebuds, his touch is all that I yearn for and I'm his. I want to spend every day with him until I grow old.

I remember our younger days and I'm glad that we have come this far. We have become a remedy for each other. My heart would die while still beating if I were to leave him. But all the pressure from his family is too much that I feel like I'm losing myself and I'm afraid that he would lose me too.

The next thing I know, I was walking down the aisle and I could make out Satoru's back, waiting for me. His white hair was combed back and he was wearing a black tuxedo that perfectly cling on his body. I hold Yaga sensei's arm and squeeze it, he gave me a comforting look and we continue to proceed down the hall.
The hall smelled like lavender and it was decorated with daises everywhere. I could make out a few people sitting and watching me.

This really was it. In a few moments, I would be Satoru's, I'm already his but in the law and in the eye of the public we would officially be one. The hallway suddenly feels like it was longer than what I remembered. Walking has never felt so hard and anxious. I hope that it will end soon. I wish that we were somewhere else, anywhere else other than this place. I just wanted to be with him, even if we were not married. I'm okay with us loving in secret. I don't care if no one knows about us at all. I really couldn't care less, I want him, that's all. But I find that no one understands that, I don't think that he understands it as well. And as for his mother, I'm dead terrified of her.

"You can choose to be brave. But you know the consequences" I can see the smug smile on her face even though I was on the other line. I couldn't get any sleep because of that. Her being the mistress of the most powerful clan makes it all hard and terrifying. I know what she can do to us . I know what she had done to others.
She was eyeing me as I walk past her, her intentions clear to me. She held her hair high in the air and gave me a warning look that tells me to back away form his son.

I ignore her gaze and everyone started to stand and I could hear the music just now as I so preoccupied with my thoughts. I look forward to see Satoru. His eyes lit up as he saw me, there was a tint of pink on his cheeks and his lips form a grin. A genuine one, not the mischievous one that he has every day. He look so handsome, and I could feel butterflies in my stomach.
They were never gone since the first time I saw him. It's like a reflex action. I smile at his nervous state, thinking it's kind of strange to get nervous for him as he was always so sure of himself.

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