Chapter 24

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Once in a lifetime

12 pm noon in Tromso, Norway. The sky was blue , clear and clean. We step out of the airplane and was immediately greeted by the rush of the icy wind. February being the last month of winter, coldness was at it's peak.
"It sure is cold right, doll?" Gojo smiles and me and pulls me closer to him. I immediately feel his warmth and it somehow made me more relaxed.
After much persuasion, Satoru had convinced the higher ups to let us have a vocation, or threaten them to make us have a vocation. We were given endless missions and finally, we rest for a month. Satoru had also hired a substitute teacher for the first year which made them very eager to come with us in Norway.

"Sensei, why don't you convince Gojo sensei to make us come with you guys?!"
Yuji groaned while he walks around me with Nobara. I laugh at his eagerness.
"Well, you might have to ask Gojo sensei for that" I scratched the back of my head, not knowing anything to say.
"You clearly would not want to go with them" Megumi frowns.
"Why not?"  the other two ask in unison.
"I'll tell you later" he said while walking away.
"Goodbye sensei!" the two ran after him, eager to know what he was about to say.

"(m/n), are you okay?"
"Yeah, I was just thinking of something"
"Like what?"
"I don't know."
"Hmm. I have to tell you something though."
"What is it?"

Satoru smirks and whisper to my ears.
"Megumi told Yuji and Nobara that we are very loud"
I feel my cheeks redden and my body heats from head to toe.
Last week, the students had a sleepover at Gojo's house. After they were asleep, Gojo picked me up from my house and invited me to for a sleepover. We kiss and one thing leads to another. He was extra rough that time and I could not help myself.

"Dude what?" I cringe at myself for being so ignorant. I punch him for saying that.
He should have kept quiet. I look at him and he has a smug look on his face.
"Didn't know that you were that satisfied"
"Oh shut it! You weren't even that good"
"Yeah, if you say so. Although your moans tell me a different thing" he smiles while ruffling my hair.
"I'm not a dog you know" I nudge at his shoulders and walk out of the airport.
"By the way, thank you, Toru for making plans for this trip. I have always wanted to see the Northern Lights"
I look at him and he smiles.
"Damn it! (m/n) why are you so cute? my heart literally skipped a beat"
"Don't be immature" I blush at his words.
He takes my hand and kisses my fingers one by one. His blue eyes lit up as he kisses my ring finger which had the sapphire ring that he gave me at my 18th birthday.
"You still have this?" he asks as if he was genuinely surprised.
"Yeah. But I never wore it"
"(m/n)" he looks at me directly in my eyes and kisses my cheeks.
"Sorry for being a jerk to you"
I smile and shake my head.
He was never a jerk to me to begin with.
Though he had hurt me many times, I know that he cares for me deeply. I know that he would come back to me once the thrill he has is over. I know that he would find me in another universe or in another timeline because we are soulmates and no one can deny that. It feels like I was made just for him and vice versa. I would love him in every universe, even if there is no other universe. And I know that he would do the same.

"When were you a jerk?" I reply while shoving my hands to the pocket of my jacket.
"I was a jerk to you all the time (m/n). Especially after I realised that I like you"
"Let's forget about that Toru , after all it was in the past anyways. What matters is that we have a good time this week."
He then grabs my waist and pull me closer to him and  lowers his head and smiles.
"I don't deserve you."
I blush and look away. His words made my heart melt. To think that he don't deserve me seems comical to me. I know that he could have any girl that he want , but he still chooses me. Even though he had hurt me countless times, he is not one to say that he does not deserve me. I'am not a good person either, I have also done questionable things throughout my life.

"You're the one spending everytime. I literally have not done anything for you either"
"You waited. Even after all these years"
The look on his face was vulnerable, sincere and truthful. His eyes fixed on my lips , requesting for something.
I cup his face on my hand and caress it.
"Toru, I hope this never ends"
"(m/n) I wish that I don't ever lose you again"

At midnight, we were dressed up warm and cozy to head out for the night. News and forecast predicted that the Aurora would be at it's brightest at midnight. I could not help but feel excited about it, but at the same time I was anxious. I take out the bracelet that Satoru gave me and put it around my wrist. The somewhat heavy silver adorned with sapphire surprisingly helps me feel less anxious. Satoru was already outside to get something warm and told me that he would wait for me outside. I look outside the window and saw Toru standing outside. Above him was the pitch black sky with magnificent green lights that move here and there. I smile at the view and head down.

"There you are baby" he said while passing me my hot chocolate. His eyes fixed on my wrist which bares the bracelet.
"Why aren't you wearing a scarf?" he asks while wrapping his black knitted scarf around my neck.
"I'm not that cold" I said while trying to take it off.
"Nuh-uh" he shakes his fingers and pinch on my cheeks.

"You ready?" I ask while blushing.
This man really knows how to make me feel special if he wanted.

We stroll around the city, hold hands, and listening to each other's talk. We look at The Northern Lights in all its glory.
"You know, this reminds me of the summer festival that we attended when we were 17" he said while squeezing me.
"That's why I feel like we have done this before"  I smile while resting my head on his shoulders.
He turns to me and kisses my forehead.
"You smile a lot these days. Is it because of me?" he half jokingly ask.
"I don't know about that unless you kiss me" I tease making his eyes lit up.
"I guess there's only one way to find out"

I lean in but he stood up.

"(m/n)" he kneel down to the ground and holds my right hand.
"I know this is awkward but I really couldn't help it. I think about you every day from the moment I laid my eyes on you. It's cliché but I'm not lying love. I love you so much that I find it hard to do anything else unless I see you."

He takes out something from his pocket and kisses my hand.
"(m/n), Will you be my once in a lifetime?
I would love to hear people call you
(m/n) Gojo"

Everything feels so surreal at this moment and I feel dizzy and happy. It seems like I'm hallucinating this moment like I used to when I was 18. I waited for it to end but it never did. Just as he finished his words, the Aurora brightened up and became extremely bigger than it was seconds ago.
It was a magnificent shade of blue and green, like the one I used to see on pictures. However, this moment was once in a lifetime, words could not describe how beautiful it is right now, and it probably will never find the words to it.
I feel a rush of joy passing through my heart and my veins and arteries would have burst out of happiness. Nothing lasts in this world. But I don't believe that's true because I know that the way that I feel when we're together would always be the way I feel for him.

"Yes, Toru, yes"

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