Chapter 15

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I bet you think about me

For the past few weeks, my relationship with Nanami has progressed a lot. He would take me out on dinners and we would exchange sneaky kisses. He respected my space and never once force me with anything be it touching or kissing. All in all, he was the definition of a perfect boyfriend.His manly voice, his tall height, his blonde hair, his abs, his non -toxic masculinity and all that, but we did not  make things official yet. A slow paced relationship was what we had, we respect and understand each other, I love his company, he loves mine and what more can I ask for when you have a situationship where he cares for you and is totally in love with you? As of now, I'am very much content and happy with the way things are.

I have been ignoring a certain person and he has been doing that too. When we ran into each other, I would walk past him, ignoring his presence. He seemed like he wanted to talk to me at first, briefly opening his mouth, but no words ever came out of it and just like that, he would totally ignore me in return, challenging me in the game of ignoring. However, this time, I have no intentions of losing and I have a feeling that I have won this time. From afar, I have noticed that he made several attempts to reach out to me but failed because he has such a big ego. Anyways, I couldn't care less and him reaching out to me would not make a difference.

The world is such a large place, but as large as it is, it does not guarantee you that you will have everything that you want.At one point, it was just fine but then at an instant it became a catastrophe.
We have all been fighting for something. Something that we think are worth fighting for but in the process we find out that letting go and moving one is the best option that we can get. For me, I chose to give up and let go, trying to obtain the impossible has hurt me too much. Focusing on myself and trying to be happy is my new priority now and somehow this feels like a big character development.

"So what's going on with you and Nanami?" Shoko peeped behind me and
I move a good inches away.
"Shoko you have to stop scaring me!"
I exclaim while my heart slowly returns to it's normal beat. I want to tell everything that happened between Gojo and me and Nanami. However, I was not feeling like it. Being my best friend she ought to know it but I'll save the tea for later.
"What about him?" I reply grinning madly.
"Someone told me that you guys were a thing?"
"Who might that someone be?"
"Someone you may or may not know"
I laugh at her seriousness. The thing about Shoko was that she was so serious yet calm at the same time, this is why I like her so much. I can talk to her about anything and she will digest it for me when I cannot digest something but her advices are much too bland.
"Well, we are sorting things out but nothing serious yet" I blush despite my liking. Shoko smirked and stare at me.
"What? Don't you know that it's creepy to stare at someone?"
" He really seemed to like you back in the days you know. But you were pretty ignorant and you might push him away sometimes."
"Ugh! As if! How can a doctor know that?"
"Oh! Forgive me , I know nothing about love , I only know about the reproduction part. Care if I enlighten you?"
We laugh like crazy and chit chat for a bit.
"(m/n), do Gojo know about you and Nanami?"
I feel my blood circulation forcing itself to stop. I feel so embarrassed about the phone situation that I cannot properly hate him. Everytime I tried to be mad, I get embarrassed. How can someone moan like that? That is so ew.
"He do not need to know. After all, he has a girlfriend and I did not know it until the day I arrived in Tokyo. If he wants to know it then he can ask Kento for all it matters. I want to burn all his blindfolds and shave his head!" I let go some of my anger.
"Wow! Spoken like a true hater. Did you two fight again?"
"I didn't know what you're talking about"
" Know what (m/n)? Let's make a wild confession. I always used to think that you and Gojo would end up together. You would get married in a beach, and I would be the "groomsmaid" and Suguru would be best man. And later, if you adopt a child, I will be the godmother and Suguru would be the godfather."  She laughs and continues, " But obviously, you know what happened to Suguru and I think Gojo is not going to be emotionally attach to anyone at this point, but there is so denying that his face lits up- never mind, look your knight in shining armour "
I look back and see a tall, handsome blonde haired men. I smile seeing him so tense and stress, he must have a rough day.
" Good evening (m/n) and Shoko"
"Well I'll be going but I'm always free to explain about reproduction!"
I look at Nanami and he was blushing just as hard"
When Shoko was out of sight, we walk on the hallway. There was no gap between us and both of us were hesitant to make the first move. I brush my hands at his and apologise, but when I try to take it away, he holds it and stops. He examines me with care and kisses my hands.
"I have missed you so much(m/n)"
We stop walking and he pulls to the corner.
"If you miss me then why don't you kiss me too?"
He was surprised to see me being bold but nevertheless, we kissed.
He press me against the wall and his kiss gets rougher every round. The kiss was nice and it was addicting. However there is no butterflies or sparks.

"If you are going to eat each other's lips the. you might as well get a room. In fact, there is one just behind you. What will the students think?"

The voice interrupts our little make out session and we turn behind to see Gojo Satoru. His face was clearly angry and he was clutching his hands.Nanami step forward to come face to face with Gojo.
Although he was tall, Gojo seems to be taller than him.
"If we sore your eyes, then, I apologise but I'm sure the students would not mind"
Gojo kept quiet and the silence between us was deafening.
"(m/n) when were you going to tell me?"
I was shocked at the tone of his voice.
Rather than being mild, he raises his voice as if I ought to tell him everything.
"I don't have to tell you my every movement Satoru, why do you care anyway?"
Nanami takes my hand and we went away. We sneak in at another corner and start to make out again. Nanami was invested into the kiss and so was I.
There I see Satoru walking past us like he does not care at all. But I knew him bu heart, and I can read his emotions like an open book. I smile the entire time but it was not because of the kiss. It was because of the triumph from moving on.

Gojo stare into my eyes as if he was trying to say something. He stood there for a minute and then walk away. I have moved on Gojo Satoru and I bet you think about me everytime you see me with another man.

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