Chapter 26

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It has been like 5 years since (m/n) last breath the air of Tokyo. Now, he wakes up in another country that he has been calling home for the past 5 years. The sunshine peeking through the curtain was nothing like Tokyo even though it came from the same source, it's just different and dull as compared to Tokyo. He was rather confused as to why he was thinking that way, Tokyo seems foreign to him now. Living in New York as a well known author , Tokyo was the last thing on his mind, he didn't want to think about it too.
The memories that he had were just too painful and bizarre. If he had told anyone, they would have assumed that he was telling the plot of his new novel. It feels unreal. Even to him, it seems like a distant past, the one's that isn't worth remembering.

He jumped out of the bed and looked at the window. Tokyo and New York were alike in many ways. They were both busy and noisy. It was never silent yet was it neither safe. The people were also alike if not for their fashion and features. All they think of is money, sex and love. He sipped his strong black coffee and sat on the sofa of his living room. He looked around his apartment and saw nothing extraordinary. If he had been honest, he was feeling deeply lonely and alone. He could not remember the last time he smiled a genuine smile. He was indeed happy when his novel reach the top in New York Times but could never be too happy. When people saw him and ask for his signature, he would fake a smile and sign for them. He wanted to be happy. To be able to work one's dream and finding success seems like something that is guaranteed to be happy. Yet he wasn't happy. Now that he think about it, he has never been truly happy in anything.

He shrugged and stands up, he put his mug on the sink and started walking to his office where he wrote most of his stuffs.
It was something he had never learnt but was surprisingly good at it. But all of his works were something he could relate to.
It wasn't because he has a great mind or because he was extraordinary at writing.
Truth be told, all his novels were his autobiography. In this human world, it's a fantasy novel but to curse users it is not so. The protagonists were him with different names. Although there were some made up names, most of them were not fictional.

He started typing on his keyboard and pressed some letters but they could not form any meaning. They were empty, hollow and void. He could not think of anything. Having nothing in mind he decided to kill some time by cleaning his office. After some cleaning, he found a box that seems vaguely familiar. He sat down on the ground and open the box.
There in the box, almost instantly as he saw it's content, memories flood in his brain like waves.

After moving in, he thought he had lost it.
He had no remembrance of him keeping it behind his books. But there it was, in front of him. On top of it was his wedding invitation card, it was cream in colour. His name in gold and above it was Satoru's. He took out the invitation card, and underneath it was his wedding ring, the ring that Satoru gave him for his 18th birthday and his silver bracelet.
It's a shame that it didn't work out. They were so in love. All the battles that they faced were meaningless now. At the end they weren't made for each other. It's sad but there was nothing that they could do about it.

(m/n) remembered his mind going crazy when was about to decide the fate of the all the jewellery that he was presented.
He thought about selling them. It would be a wise decision as they were all expensive. But he just couldn't. He tried donating but they were screaming to be kept. What's the point of keeping when he wasn't going to wear in anymore?
Indecisive as he is, he stashed them in a box.

And underneath it all, it was a picture of them in Norway. Their body was close to each other and they were tightly holding their hands. (m/n) was smiling widely and Satoru was looking at him with such admiration. Under the Northern Lights, there was nothing that they needed since they had each other. (m/n) felt a tear coming out from his eyes. After all, he had not moved on. He persisted and resisted the temptation of asking himself that if one thing had been different would everything about them be different today.

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