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Romeo and Cinderella

Caged was the perfect word for what was happening to me. I have been locked up in my room for a week now . The servants bought me food and water to drink, other than that, I absolutely have no company. My parents were absolutely horrified and disgusted when they came to know about my illicit affair with a guy. And it was I who had helped them solve the mystery of my mystery lover. After that, they do not even have a single word for me. Just silence and looks of shame as if I had committed a sin. Confined in this room with guilt and a future of disgust from my parents, I am no better than a prisoner.

Despite my mood, the cool night breeze was surprisingly pleasant. It enters the lonely spaces of my room and fills in the empty spaces for a brief moment of time. I walked out of the balcony and the breeze was more significant outside. I was only wearing an oversized white shirt which covered my underwear. The breeze was cold, yet addictive. It cools down my heated body with such ease that I feel cold in a blink of an eye. I close my eyes and contemplate about my life a week ago. During that time , I thought nothing can go wrong. It was the most wonderful and exciting thing I have ever felt. The stolen moments, the secret glances, the note passing and the occasional secret kisses. The kiss was shy at first, it was awkward to say the least. It was my first time kissing someone and it was his first time kissing a boy. However, we eventually manage to go along with the rhythm and we were addicted to each other's taste and the adrenaline of doing something which one should not have done.

There were two problems in our relationship. Gojo senpai was 3 years older than me.Though it might not seem like a big gap, 16 and 19 were a different level of mentality, I am told. But I trust him, more than I trust myself. The second being my parents, they do not approve him at all. They thought that he was preying on me and would expoilt me. That he would leave me when the thrill expires and he was only fooling around with me. However, I chose not to believe them. After all, he said that he would visit me sometime this week. I waited for him eagerly for the past week till tonight. But there was no sight of him. Was mummy and daddy right? He is my 'Romeo' I reminded myself, to gain no doubts and follow my mind as I have lose hope in heart.

At that very  moment, I hear a soft thud which becomes more vigorous after ever second. I look down to see a tall white haired man, eyes as blue if not bluer than the sky, gleaming in the night and piercing through my soul with the uttermost longing. I heart skipped a beat at the sight. I went out to the balcony and saw him , I grinned at the sight. He started climbing up the walls with the help of the vine growing from the ground. I reached our my hand and he grabbed it with ease. I pulled him closer to me , helping him to get up. He lose his balance at the sudden stability and falls over me. He quickly got up and picked me up. I hugged him, making him know that I miss him without saying it. He smiled and stared at my attire, once I noticed him staring , I blushed and he seemed to like it even more. He was behind me and puts his arm around my waist and whispered, "I have missed you so much". His voice was raspy, as if he had just woken up. There was a trace of alcohol in his breathe that I know he drank out of anxiety. However, I did not let that bother me. I grabbed his hand and led him to my room. We sat on the bed and I asked him how school was like. "It's boring now that you are no longer there to mess up with" he said without giving much thought.

"That's nice to hear" I tell him and leaned forward towards his face. I could see his blue eyes trying their best to not let the lustful part of them take power. However, I was feeling the same way as he did and my nervous legs and attire was not helping both of us . But at this age, one is bound to be curious. "(m/n) I find it hard to ignore your shirt" he whispered in my ears . I wasted no time and sat on his laps, kissing him . Although he was clearly drunk to some extent, he tasted nothing of alcohol, instead he was addictive, he tasted like water and I found myself yearning for more. He returned my boldness by grabbing my butt. His lips are now trailing my neck. He sucked onto it and the electric inside of me sparked like they had never before. He switched our position and pinned me to the bed. He grabs both of my arms with his hands and kissed me again, trailing down my neck, biting me frequently in the process.
"Please don't bite me" I said denying my feelings . He stop and stared at me with lust his eyes. "How far will we go tonight" He asked . "As far as time permits " I replied while staring at him. "We can stop here if you want" , he withdrew from my neck. I know what I was thinking was wrong but my body was telling me go further. "But I was planning to show you my ......" He grew excited and later we were a moaning msss.

As much as the play of romeo and juliet was beautiful, it was sad, and I don't want my ending to become a tragedy like that of Juliet.I want a happy every after like Cinderella , who finds her true love and ran away from her cage. But for now, everything was just fine. We lay on the bed bare naked, enjoying each other's company. After he cleans up, it was already too late. "Same time tomorrow night,"he whispered while kissing my cheeks. I watched his tall figure until it could be seen no more. After all, waiting for him was all that I can do.

A week came by and he was nowhere to be found and now I have a tragedy of my own.


I am deeply sorry if this chapter is cringe. On the other hand, My book has over 1k readers. I want to thank all my readers, especially the ones who follow and like all the chapters. It has been a wild run. Also a new chapter may not be updated this week. Once again thank you,

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