Chapter 17

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Eyes don't lie
Part I

Satoru walk me home and I invite him for coffee or something and of course he declined it. After you are with someone, everyone else have to draw a boundary line. Later at night, I dress up for the meeting, before going out, I see Gojo's scarf lying on my sofa. I pick it up and put it around my neck, it was warm, cozy and smells like him. I lock the doors and make my way to the diner.

"(m/n)! here!" Utahime shout and I went by her side. "Is Shoko here yet?" I ask.
"Yeah, she went to the restroom"
"I have just noticed your fringe! Are they longer?"
"Ugh! Men!"
"What did I do?"
We laugh for a bit and then Shoko shows up.
"No alcohol tonight" she look dead serious in her eyes, we nod in agreement and order diner.
"This is going to be so fun!" Utahime exclaim and I reply,"Tonight's going to be wild"

And it was wild, about 20 minutes later, we cave in for alcohol. I was not aware of the things that I was saying nor did I remember but I was thinking or doing. All I knew was that I was feeling good as if I was sleeping naked in the clouds.
"(m/n) I bet you can't drink this in one go" Utahime smirked and due to the effect of the alcohol, I was very intrigued by that.
"Shut up"
"You shouldn't talk like that to your senior (m/n) or is it that you can't really do it?"

At this point I really wanted to drink the alcohol in one go but I was hesitant deep inside. I have already drank too much and drinking another glass would make me collapse on the ground, however, I would not let this bitch humiliate me.
I take the cup and gulp. It's just water , I tried to manipulate my mind and for some reason it actually worked. The drink took total control inside of me and it was telling me to talk about things that I have hidden in the bottom of my heart.
All of a sudden there were stars circling around my head and it was hard to think straight.
"Shoko have you had any boyfriend yet?"
I ask trying to be sober but failed miserably when I laugh without any reason. Shoko kept quiet, her face made it quite clear that it was the last thing she could think of.
"(m/n) what happened between you and that jerk Gojo?" Utahime ask with a fluttered face which was the side effect of the alcohol. I know that almost everyone I know wanted to ask me that specific question, but, all I did was run away from it. Shoko tried to make arrangements for the three of us to hang out often, but it was not only me who refused to hang out but Satoru had been running away from it too, Yaga sensei too tried his best to make us work together but every time when he assigned us for something, Gojo would take it and do it alone.

"He called me a slut" I told her.
Shoko and Utahime stare at each other with a surprise face, they totally did not expect it either.
"What!??" they exclaimed in unison.
"But he apologised for that" I quickly added before they start going mad.
"We kiss, he gave me a ring, told me he loves me, and all that, but I back up because I knew he had a girlfriend."
The memory of that summer night came back to me like a distant dream. It was so near yet far at the same time, I could still smell the salt air, the fireworks and the street food. I can smell him, his cologne, his musky smell and the air that was between us. And all that time, I really thought that it was something, and it was something. It was like the midnight rain of the first night that we kissed.
I started to feel sad because I thought I was content being with Kento and I want to be. I want him to be with me forever and I know that he was right for me.
But my heart tells me otherwise. I feel so guilty, I shouldn't think of any men other than my perfect boyfriend.
"I don't know why I feel so hurt. He called me and I heard his girlfriend moan"
Utahime gaged on the floor like literally.
"I'm going to drag him to hell" she said while looking at me.
" That's why he told me that he wanted to see you but he wasn't sure of what you might be feeling!"
"I met him today"
They look at me and slap my back.
"Hey, isn't that his scarf?" Shoko ask and I nod.
"You little-" they start scolding me and I could not hear anything they say. All I see is stars.
"But you guys were totally hot together"
Utahime blurred out.
I blushed a deep shade of maroon and drink the alcohol without intending to.
"To be honest, the way you look at each other makes me feel something" she continues but her face becomes angry again. "That bitch, I'm going to throw hands the first time I see him again." she continues to rant about him as if she hasn't done it a hundred times before.
"(m/n), I know Satoru as much as I know you. After you ran away, all that he talked about is you. He will always buy daisies and he would put it near your favourite spot. He was so helpless when you were gone that he was about to go mad. But his trauma doesn't give him the right to being a bitch." She pouts and takes another sip of the alcohol.
"But I have Kento now" I reassure them knowing damn well that I was not reassured myself.
"But do you love him?" Shoko ask calmly.
"Of course"
"Then do you love Satoru?"
"Wha- . No, never"
She look me with her calm eyes and laugh.
"Why are you laughing?"
"Eyes don't lie (m/n)"

Utahime interupts us while being half asleep.
"Why are we so unlucky in love?"
We all cried our tears out and everything went pitch black.

The next thing I know was that I was being carried. The smell was familiar and I have been carried by him a number of times during my youth.
"Oh, you're up doll. Could you please take out your keys?" Satoru ask.
I immediately take out my keys from my pocket and give it to him.
He smile and I realised that it was the first
time I see him smile for about a year.
"I love it when you call me that"
He place me down on my bed , take my shoes off and covered me with a blanket.
"Sleep well (m/n), there is water and painkillers on the table"
I want to ask him to stay but it was not right. Just when he was about to leave he returned to my side. He stared at me with his sky blue eyes. All of a sudden, he kissed my cheeks and went away.
"Goodnight (m/n). I- never mind"

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