Chapter 23.5 (Mature) - The Moment

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(TW// Smut specific chapter - For those who wish to skip this type of stuff, I promise you won't miss any of the main plot, so you can safely scroll to the next chapter)

▂▃▅▇█▓▒░ Kenzi

"I want you..." I said, pressing my lips to hers gently before retracting slightly to find her eyes again.

She stared back at me with intrigue for a moment, brushing a few loose strands from my face before her expression changed to a cocky lopsided smirk.

She played a silent game as she gently ran a flat palm down the middle of my chest and over my ribbed vest, travelling down between our still straddling bodies.

She never once broke eye contact or let that tantalising smirk falter, only enhancing how much I now crave her touch.

I decided to play her game, accepting the challenge whilst tightening my grip on her hips with a cocked brow.

"Do I have to spell it out for you?" I asked in almost a whisper, leaning forward to graze my lips gently over her neck, nipping and kissing her warm skin between my next words "I want you, Grace. I want to touch you, to listen to your whimpers, to taste you... I want to show you how much I love you"

The softest moan fell from her lips which only encouraged me to continue. Her hands moved up to become tangled in my long hair, using the fistfuls to bring my attention swiftly from her neck to her lips.

Her tongue swiped my bottom lip and I gladly granted her access, moaning when we clashed in a fiery battle for dominance. She gripped my hair tighter, sending a wave of electricity from my stomach downwards as she captured my tongue and sucked on it teasingly.

Something inside me took over when I lifted myself from the ground, spinning us so that Grace is now trapped below me, her legs still wrapped around my waist and an intense look on her face.

"Holy shit" She managed to breath out.

"I'm sorry" I replied out of embarrassment over my sudden outburst.

"Dont be"

She used her hands that are still wrapped in my hair to bring our lips together, like before, but with a much clearer intention this time.

I edged my way towards her neck once more, nipping at the smooth skin occasionally to earn a sharp breath from the girl. She let her head fall back and I mentally thanked her for packing a blanket and placing it on the cold ground earlier on.

My hands came to either of her thighs, slowly moving up her cargos and over her hips to the hem of her fitted T-shirt, tugging it slightly before I pulled back.

"Can I?" I asked before continuing, staring into her dark orbs whilst I catch my breath, waiting for permission.

Instead of responding verbally, she unwrapped her legs from my waist and sat up slightly to manoeuvre the fabric over her head before settling back down. 

I couldn't help but trail my eyes from her toned shoulders down, over her sports bra and beautiful small breasts, following the line down the centre of her stomach before stopping at the now healed bite mark on her hip.

"You're so beautiful, Grace" I whispered, following my urge to kiss the dark scar tissue gently.

Her body tensed but quickly relaxed under the second kiss. The third turned into a trail that followed through, until I reached the skin below the fabric of her bra. The heat she began emitting became intense. She usually runs a little hotter than a regular person, thanks to the infection, but if I didn't know any better I'd assume she had a sudden fever with the way her skin is breaking into a sweat. I was worried for a second, I'll admit, but then it clicked.

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