000 || prologue

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I hid from all the noise inside my castle. The castle guards surrounded the entrance, but I was perfectly sure I could protect myself.


A scream from far away entered my ears. I didn't know who they were, who their family was, what their favourite food was. All I knew is that they were probably dead.

The castle was cold and silent, filled with whispered prayers and cries as the only noise that entered aside from the banging of magical spells of some sort. I could never harness any magic myself, but I knew of people who could do it.

A cold hand touched me on my shoulder, and I spun around, my hand levitating near the sword on my belt. I was ready to kill whoever that person was.

"Why do you look so focused?" My sister queried. I sighed. Only her. "Well... We kind of are about to die." I sighed. She nodded. "Me and-" The familiar person's name was interrupted by another bang. "Shit. They're getting closer." She said through gritted teeth. "So, what did you want to tell me?" I asked her.

"Well, Father wants to tell you something. And me, too, I guess. I am the first in line." I sighed and nodded. That sudden reminder wasn't anything to be thankful for. Being second in line, like me, meant that you were the spare child. The backup in case one got hurt. I would always watch as all the servants and people flocked to my sister as I was left alone.

"Mhm." I said, mumbling my reply. She walked away, and then turned around after a few paces, yelling, "Hurry up!" I sighed, following her as I always did, like she was a shepherd and I was the sheep.

"What do you think he's going to say?" I asked her. "Oh. Probably something about us being extremely screwed and that you don't have a power so you're useless." I looked at her, annoyed. She made a lot of cruel jokes like that, but I didn't mind them.

It was probably night now. A bang rocketed closer to the castle. They definitely were advancing. How much people would they have killed? All the innocent civilians, knights that were fighting for honour... I didn't like to think about it.

We weaved around corridors that were familiar to me, although some of the paintings on the walls had been used as barriers and were gone. When we finally got to the room, my sibling said the passcode that changed every month.

"Winter is coming."

It was odd to hear someone talk about winter coming, because it was the middle of winter. The arch door slid open.

My father had infused it with magic so that only specific people could get in, such as advisers. He was sitting on his desk, frustrated. "You two." He said, when we got in the room. We both looked at eachother with the same confused expression.

"We don't have enough time. I need to explain this to you. You remember Allie, the adviser?" We both nodded our heads, me after my sister. She was there when I was young. I didn't remember that much of her.

"She foresaw this happening. Now, we know of very special people in your future who we've coded to unlock these doors." My sister looked at him, confused. "But... She was a mage? I thought she was powerless, like-" She asked, getting interrupted by my father again. "She was pretending to be. We didn't need anyone using her for our information. Now, you two. We've engineered capsules for you, to freeze you in diamond until they come."

"Wait. Who's they?" I said, getting interrupted by an even louder bang. "There's no time! Get in!" My father said, throwing the sheet that I'd assumed always covered some old statue off two conveniently sized capsules that could just fit me and my sister.

"How do we..." My father interrupted again. "Press your hand on it and then hop in!" He unsheathed his sword. I was overwhelmed with thoughts and emotions, but I just did as he told me. When I pressed my hand on the me-sized one, it rippled with orange light, and then opened.

I hopped in it, stepping in gently. I looked at my , hopping in hers. And then they came in. A good 6 of them went straight for my father who was defending us. My eyes widened, and I reached out to him.

"Father!" I screamed, but the box shut and I felt dizzy... Maybe I should rest. No... I won't rest... I will... I will fight...


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