007 || lost in a familiar place

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❃.✮:▹ pov: the prince ◃:✮.❃


I was awake. I didn't feel like getting up, though.

I slowly opened my eyes, and realised that this was not my bedroom.

Then I remembered everything.

"Father!" I screamed. "Ena, where are you?" I looked around the room, searching for a familiar face. Instead, I caught the glares of two confused looking girls.

"Are you okay?" The blonde one asked, furrowing her eyebrows. "Where's my family? And why was I in that... capsule?" I said, grabbing her by the throat.

That movement sparked a fist in the face from the blue and gray haired girl. Right in the eye, which made me release the blonde's neck. "Don't touch Kohane!" She screamed. The blonde, which was probably named Kohane, had retreated behind blue-gray girl. "We should have told Toya to leave you back in that thingy." She said, frustrated.

I sighed. "Look, can you just tell you where I... Oh. This is... the castle?" I said, looking around despite the burning pain in my eye. It sure seemed like it. I reckognised the architecture, but it seemed somewhat... empty. Void of the people that would come here.

"What happened? Are you one of those jerks exploding the castle? Don't you losers use magic?" I complained. Kohane looked at me. "Magic?" She said, but she genuinely sounded confused. "Nobody's used magic in about two hundred years."

"You have to be lying." I said, furrowing my eyebrows. "Surely you guys know about my family? The Shinonomes?" Blue-gray hair shrugged. "No idea. Hey, Kohane, when do you think Toya will be back? We need to dispose of this delusional weirdo."

"I think I've heard of the Shinonomes in a book or something, but it's just a fairy tale. Apparently they were one of the first kingdoms to be targeted by the Vipers." Kohane said. My eyes widened. "A book? Surely you've heard of me, then. Akito Shinonome." I said, looking at her, fishing for answers.

"Wait... if you're from that story, then... you were from... two hundred years ago." Kohane said. I looked at her. "That... can't be possible, right? I'm not an old man yet!" I said, furrowing my eyebrows. "Shit..."

Blue-gray hair looked at me. "Hey, uhm, Prince whatsyourname... having existential crisises don't help coming up with ideas. If they had magic back then, then maybe it was used to run the capsule?"

Capsule. That word took me back to when I was coming out of that thing. There was some boy there, I think. Their silhouette was too blurry to determine. And then I kinda remember my legs going.

"Hey, err... Was there a boy around here? I think his hair was blue." Suddenly I heard running behind me. "I heard screaming so I'm here now. What's wrong?" Someone said. I looked around and looking over me was the most beautiful boy I'd ever seen.

He had light gray eyes which danced with the light of the torches. His hair was a mix of light and dark blue with an almost even split down the middle. And he was probably a little bit taller than me. -Shit, was I blushing?

"Ah. So you're awake." He said with a slight smile. "I'm assuming you've met An and Kohane." Blue-gray sighed. "He's met us, alright. He tried to choke Kohane!" She complained. His eyes narrowed. "Is that true?" He said, leaning slightly closer to me.

"Uhm... yeah..." I sighed. I felt so ashamed for some reason. "Don't worry. You're probably still stressed from the capsule. Do you remember me?" He said. I nodded. "You were the person that got me outta that thing, right? Then I definitely owe you one." I said with a slight smile.

"Aha, it's nothing, really. I'm Toya. What's your name?" The light and dark blue haired boy asked. "Ah... It's Akito. It's nice to meet you, Toya." I murmured. "Now, promise not to choke my friends anymore, okay?" Toya said with a smile. I nodded.

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