030 || the end

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❃.✮:▹ pov: the hero ◃:✮.❃

"-ake up! An?" A voice penetrated what felt like a long sleep. My eyes slowly open to reveal Toya's softly smiling face. He looked a lot more injured then before- probably from fighting off all those guards.

"Thank goodness! I was worried. Kohane, she's okay!" He says the last sentence very loudly, and I hear a croaky gasp. "An? You're really fine?" I hear my girlfriend say.

At the mere sound of her voice, I want to run to her- but my body hurts too much to move. It even hurts to simply breathe. "Don't overextend yourself. Kohane will be there in 5. She just needs to treat her own wounds." Toya suggests, and I do just that.

"So, you won?" I say, smiling, and it hurting my cheeks. "Yep. Thanks to these two managing to wake up." He looked backwards. "Sadly, Akito's still unconscious." Toya sighs, looking backwards.

"How long was I out?" I ask, before realising that they didn't know. "Ah- I'd estimate an hour or so?" Kohane states, and I barely glimpse her bandaging up her own chest. From what I can see of Toya and a bit of Kohane, the three went through a lot. Not more than me, thankfully.

Kohane eventually makes her way over to me and begins taking care of my wounds. "You definitely have a few broken bones." She sighs. I groan in complaint. Is this really how winning felt?

"Don't worry. We'll get out of here soon and to some actual medical assistance. I don't really have too much supplies, and I can only treat what's on the outside." Kohane says.

"So I'll have to walk with these?" Kohane nods. "It's all of us- we're all injured in some way. Some worse than others, some better off. I guess the attackers had preferences?" I smile, and laugh hoarsely.

"Toya, you managed to fend off that army?" I ask him, and he nods. "It wasn't that much people there. About 20? But Kohane came to help at the end." He says with a grateful smile at her.

"That's great!" I smile, and feel Kohane wrapping bandages around my arms and legs. "You should make sure to not overwork yourself with these, okay? You're the most hurt, so you should relax." I nod.

"Would it be okay if I went to sleep here?" I ask, and receive 2 nods. Honestly, I'm exhausted. Mentally and physically.

So, I lay down, and even though I have the disruption of Kohane wrapping bandages around my whole body, I fall asleep fast.

When I wake up next, I certainly feel in a lot less pain- but that doesn't mean it's all gone. I'm able to get up into a sitting position with a wobble, and realise Akito's still unconscious, and Kohane and Toya are staring at him, concerned.

"What's wrong?" I say with a bleary, but worried voice. "Akito hasn't woken up yet... He's still breathing, but Kohane suspects something's off somehow." Toya informs me.

I feel extremely worried in a surge of emotion, and almost feel like crying. We'd done so much, and we didn't lose any of us... unless...

No, I didn't even want to consider that Akito could die. "He'll most likely be okay. We were planning to leave here when you got up, but this happened." Kohane continues.

"Uh, Kohane, is it okay if I ask for a hug?" I ask with a small grin. "I kinda need one. The reality of this is just setting in." I say with a small sad smile. "Okay!" She says, and gets off the ground from surrounding Akito.

I hadn't gotten the chance to see her properly, but I noticed a large gash running down her chest just then I didn't notice before. I wondered what knight gave it to her and swore I'd kill them- even though they were already dead, most likely.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2023 ⏰

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