020 || getting the hell out of here 2.0

48 2 7

❃.✮:▹ pov: the hero ◃:✮.❃

When I finally woke up, it was the next day. Kohane was right about that ooze stuff- it drained me so much, but my wound was 50% healed. I was amazed when I woke up to see the stab wound on my side had become an ugly red scab.

Kohane and Toya were awake. Akito was still sleeping- again. Lazy bum. Kohane caught my eye as I stared at the fire that was just put out. "Good morning, An!" She said, and I smiled because I heard her voice.

Toya was stuck in position, frozen because he had a certain someone's head right on his stomach. I would use this as leverage in the future. I just wished I could paint this or something.

"Morning, Kohane- and Toya!" I said with a smile, adding on the last bit hastily. I yawned, stretching out my limbs. "That root thingy sure is amazing." I said with a small smile.

"I saw one of Akito's wounds almost heal fully last night. It was amazing, to say the least." Toya said with a small smile. "Well, I mean, I couldn't really move, so I kinda had to entertain myself."

"So what are you guys doing now?" I asked. "We were going to hide the logs and ash from the fire, but Toya's too concerned if he moves he'll wake Akito up." I looked at them again, looked back at Kohane and nodded. "Seems likely. I'll help you!" I said, getting up and stretching my legs.

I grabbed a stack of about 7 pieces of unused wood that was slightly burnt, and went outside to dump them in the woods. Kohane followed suit.

I squinted slightly from the sun hitting my eyes. It was still cold, naturally, but the sun was so bright. I took a few steps into the nearby woods and began to scatter the pieces.

"Hey, Kohane." I said, without really knowing what I'd talk about. "I... I really missing you back then when I was kidnapped. I was really anxious." I said, thinking of the first thing that came to mind.

Kohane stopped and looked at me. "Really?" I nodded. "Honestly... I was more worried about you than myself." I said, truthfully, because I was. I was more worried about her than Akito, who'd been taken away to be executed. I thought that the Vipers might do more horrible things to her.

Kohane almost started crying, to my surprise. "I... I missed you so much too, An!" She said, wiping slight tears away from her eyes. I smiled at her, and walked over to her, wrapping her up in my arms.

"I promise we'll never be apart again. And if we are- I'll fight those people that dare to seperate us away." I say, feeling her warm breath on my arm, as I wipe away her tears. "Please don't cry. It's okay. We're together now." I say with a smile, though I feel like sobbing too.

We let go after about 30 seconds and I kiss her on the cheek. "I should really start kissing you more." I say with a smile. Kohane blushes. "I'd like that."

We walk back. Toya would probably be worried about us because we spent so long out here. I duck down to get into the cave-hollow thing, and notice Akito was still asleep, resting on Toya's chest.

"Are you sure he's not dead?" I joke, and Toya lets out a faint laugh. "Of course. He's breathing on me. Should I wake him up now?" Kohane nods. It's kind of odd to watch Akito asleep, because I'm used to him being rough and violent and challenging, but he looks soft and serene.

"Alright." Toya says, poking him softly. "Akito, it's morning already. We need to get going." Akito's eyes flutter open, and he raises his head, and quickly realises that he was sleeping on Toya, and goes completely red. He so had a crush.

I can't hold in my laugh, so I let it out. "You- you should see your face!" I say with a smile and continue to laugh. Akito goes somehow even more red. He looks like a tomato. I hate tomatoes, but still.

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