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I loaded one of my last bags into my Jeep, almost finished with packing my belongings. Hopefully, this stuff would make it bearable to be in Task Force 141.

I had found out from my former captain that I was invited to join them just two weeks ago. I had heard stories- their skills, their expertise, their undying motivation to do one thing:

Get the job done.

I shook my head as I went back inside my old room for one last time, trying to clear my head and worries. The sunshine was hidden behind closed curtains, and a black duffle bag sat on top of a bare mattress. Other than that, the room was completely empty except for my dresser, desk and a closet with no clothes.

I slung the duffle bag's strap around my shoulder and muttered "Goodbye, bedroom" under my breath.

I climbed into my Jeep and tossed the bag into the passenger's seat. I had already said my goodbyes to my fellow members earlier- they were now probably at the range, brushing up on their shooting skills.

I stuck my key into the car and took a deep breath before rolling out of my old place and preparing to roll into a new one.

As I drove down the highway after stopping for gas, a million thoughts ran through my head, all of which had something to do with Task Force 141.

Why on earth did they pick me?  I thought. I had gotten a letter from 141's leader, Captain Price. He had said that one of my drill sergeants from Boot Camp had mentioned I had a good shot with any gun and was good with knives. Both of which were true. He also mentioned I had a good build for stealth- somewhat small and lightweight, but with enough strength and muscle to do what i needed to.

Apparently I intrigued this captain, because I found out he was talking to my colonel, who elaborated on my "skills", and one thing lead to another and here I am, on my way to an elite group of soldiers.

Speaking of Price, he was the only member of this Task Force I had heard of. All the others had no trace anywhere I looked, and he never told me about anyone else who was in 141. My instincts had me believing I would be the only woman, though.

I looked down and realized I was gripping the steering wheel super tightly. I loosened my hands and looked down at my phone, which was opened on Google Maps. It said I had five and a half hours left.

Halfway through the ride I stopped at a McDonald's and began thinking of what I would do first when I arrived at the base.

I suppose meeting with Price would be my first objective. He'd probably direct me from there. Then I'd get settled in, get food, whatever... But what made my stomach curl was meeting the other members. They'd be my teammates for the next few months, or even longer, so I had to make sure I was their friend or at least on their good side. But I was never good with people, especially people who are probably more advanced in their roles than I supposedly was.

My thoughts shifted from one thing to another as I listened to my Spotify playlist and tried to stop the twisting feeling in my stomach.

The sun was setting by the time I had parked in the new base and took out my duffle bag and my other large black backpack. Taking a deep breath, I began walking towards the building.

"Heads up!" A voice yelled.

-TASK FORCE 141- *ghost x y/n*Where stories live. Discover now