-dog tag-

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A/N- Kind of a long one! Had to write this one by myself bc Artemis was too busy getting rich on roblox to care. :P



Price woke us up early, before the sun had risen. We all scrambled to get dressed and ready for our mission, before setting off in armored vehicles to the town the Chains were inhabiting.

When we drove into it, I wasn't surprised to see the place wiped clean. Despite the hundreds of large houses and shops, almost every family had fled and left their homes for the Chains to use.

I stick my head back inside the truck, bumping shoulders with Ghost.

"We're getting off soon," He told me, and I nodded back in reply, too stunned to make a remark about how he didn't mind me bumping into him. We spent the last minute arranging our weapons before being dropped off 300 yards from the building we'd be breaching.

I followed Ghost's lead, making sure to never lose him in the night's darkness. We eventually made it to the back door of the large, three-story house. 

"Locked," Ghost muttered. "Get me some scrap metal."

I looked around at the garbage piling near the streets, settling on an old fan's blade to rip off and hand to Ghost. He wrapped a piece of rope around it and pried open the door.

When he opened it, two flashlights focused on our chests. Acting quickly, I shot down one with my pistol while Ghost took down the other with his knife. His motions were smooth, just like they were at the range.

Ghost continued clearing the first floor as I moved up to the second. Another Chain was standing by the stairs, facing the other direction. I wrapped my arm around his neck, slicing it in one swipe with my blade. I did the same for another Chain standing on the other side of the entrance to the deck. I watched him slide down to the ground before turning to go through the door that led to the third floor.

"Moving up to the third floor," I muttered into my mic. "Meet you on the balcony," Ghost replied, and I heard the faint noise of blood hitting the floor in the background.

I swept the third floor, soon realizing it was empty except for one room, which was locked. I heard yelling and shrieking from the other side.

"Ghost, think I found the captive." He was soon by my side, listening to the noise with me. He switched the channel on his radio.

"We've got a captive. Building five, get a truck here." Ghost listened for a moment. "Truck'll be here in three."

"Clear it in two," I murmured, and I passed him the mallet from the back of his pack to breach the door. A woman was tied to a chair in the center, bleeding from her mouth.

We quickly rushed in, taking down, one, two, three, four of the Chains. "Leave that one alive," Ghost called out to me, as I held him by the throat with my elbow. "Price'll want one."

He guided the woman out to the streets where a truck was parked, waiting silently. I stayed on the balcony, holding our captive tightly. When Ghost returned, he helped me tie his hands behind his back, before shoving him into a sitting position on the ground as we set our snipers up. I quickly mounted mine on the ledge, focusing on the building Gaz was taking out. After a moment, he arose from the roof, waving to me as he set up his own sniper.

I moved on to Farah's house, realizing that two Chains were about to enter. I quickly took out one, and Ghost got the other.

We sat in silence for a while.

"Not bad for a rookie." Ghost sighed. 

"It's nothing," I shrugged.

"You should learn to take a compliment."

"You don't..."

A bullet wizzed past us.

"Well, rookie." Ghost said slowly. "It appears we're being shot at. Gonna deal with it?"

I turned around to check on our captive buddy, who was still sitting like a good boy against the wall.

"If you won't" Ghost huffed. "I wi-"

A sickening, PLUT noise reached my ears. I looked down to see the enemy sniper had grazed Ghost's arm.

I took the sniper out before reaching out for Ghost's arm, where he quickly snatched it back, not wanting to be in my hands.

He patched himself up silently as I listened to the radio and watched the rooftops, trying hard to not roll my eyes at him for acting like a child after being shot.

Price's voice eventually was on our channel. "Alright, head to your trucks. Leaving in two, with or without you." 


Ghost didn't show any signs of being injured and did not let the rest of 141 or anyone else see that he was. It was almost our own special secret, just him and I, a small piece of pain.

We flew back to base, with Alejandro and Rudy, and Price brought out a bottle of whiskey.

"A toast," he said, "to another successful mission in the books."

"Cheers," We murmured in unision.


I was getting ready for bed when I heard a knock on my door. I sighed, having a good guess as to who it was. Sure enough, it was Ghost, with one hand balled into a fist and the other tucked away, the bandages now showing with his tee shirt on.

"Hi-" I said, but all he did in response was stretch his hand with his fist out, and opened it to reveal two dog tags- One with "141" engraved on it, and the other with a picture of two dice.

"Aww!" I took them and admired the engravings. "Thank you!"

"'S nothing," He shook his injured arm out before going back to his room, and after a second standing in the doorway, I went back to my bed.

-TASK FORCE 141- *ghost x y/n*Where stories live. Discover now