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Author's note: i'm all good to type now, keep me accountable for abandoning this story lol

When we returned from the MacTavish's house, we were met with the sight of Gaz and Price talking to a CIA agent. Ghost and Soap both seemed unbothered by her presence.

"Hello, Laswell." Soap said, while Ghost nodded in her direction.

"Hey, boys." Laswell said, her hands resting on the counter behind her. "Who's this?" She asked, looking at me.

"Dice," I said, shaking her hand. She tilts her head but doesn't say anything.

Price took a puff of his cigar, straightening out his back as he does so. "Had a good Christmas?" He asked us. Soap and I nodded while Ghost didn't do anything in response.

Laswell sighs, looking around. "Hate to give you guys a mission right after the holidays, but something's come up."

Ghost's eyes narrowed behind his mask. Price and Gaz didn't react- I'm guessing they already had been informed of whatever happened.

"Come down to the briefing room in ten, we'll fill you in." Laswell says. We nod and head off to dump our stuff in our barracks.


I was putting my hair brush away when I heard a knock at the door. I went over and opened it to see Ghost glaring down at me, holding the Teddy Ruxpin I had left in his barrack a few minutes prior.

"The fuck is this?" He asked me with a raised brow. He didn't sound annoyed or even indifferent like usual- there was some other emotion in his tone I couldn't quite place.

"A gift." I said simply, going to shut the door. He stuck his boot in the way before I could.

"Why?" He asks.

"You said you wanted it, thats why."

"I didn't say that, I just said I used to have one as a kid."

"Well, you were looking at it the same way Soap looks at explosives. So I thought you wanted it."

"You didn't have to buy this for me."

"Yet here we are. So accept it and stop yapping."

"...thank you."

"You're welcome."

He moved his boot and I shut the door, going back to organizing my stuff while I ignored the butterflies in my stomach.


We went down to the briefing room together, where Laswell had a laptop set down on the table alongside a dirty file with pages sticking out. Gaz was adjusting the night vision goggles on his helmet and Price was still smoking.

Ghost glances at them befire turning to Laswell. "What's going on?" He asked, his voice deep like usual.

Laswell sighs, turning on the laptop. "We've got an issue. A shipment of C4 and ammo was supposed to arrive four weeks ago. It was in a truck with an entire convoy for protection. It was going to our troops in the Middle East to be sorted and distributed. We've lost communication and the location of the shipment has also been lost. The last known location was near the Syria-Iraq border."

I raise a brow. "An entire shipment, just... gone?"

"How stupid are yo-" Price glared at Soap, making him shut up before he could finish his sentence.

"We're to search the area around the border, find anything we can and report back. Gaz, Soap, you're with me. Ghost and Dice, you'll be meeting with a friend when we arrive who will help you out. Understood?"

We all nodded before heading for the armory. Laswell stopped me and Ghost at the door.

"Be careful, okay? Your new teammate can be... unpredictable." She sighed, looking us both over and shoving the dirty file in my hands. "Now hurry up and get your shit packed."

-TASK FORCE 141- *ghost x y/n*Where stories live. Discover now