-prove yourself-

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I awoke the next morning to my alarm going off, sun shining in my eyes, and cursing in the hallway.

I quickly got up and threw on a hoodie before opening my door to see Soap and Ghost arguing.

"I haven't got the fuckin' monitor! You had it, you blasted twat!" Soap spat, his eyes rolling to the ceiling.

"Rookie had it last," Ghost slowly turned to me. 

"No, I didn't." I defended myself. "You showed it to me for five fucking minutes."

Ghost muttered something under his breath as Soap groaned. 

"Price's gonna kill us when we can't find it." He looked at me.

I got dressed quickly and ran down the stairs with Soap to inform Price about the sensor.

"I saw Ghost holding it when you two dipshits left the range!" He yelled, watching Ghost enter the room. "Ghost, you faceless fucker, did you lose the monitor?"

Ghost pulled the sensor out from his pack.

"You fucking-!" Me and Soap began to hurl insults at Ghost, who laughed quietly.

"You three! Shut the fuck up and listen to Alejandro spit out the brief!" Price took a puff from his cigar while Gaz sipped fresh coffee. He seemed on edge- Whether that was because he was worried for me, one of the others, or just uneasy with the entire plan, was not clear.

Alejandro went over the plan once more, this time extra detailed. He gave us information on the surrounding buildings and what windows and doorways to stay away from. The duos- Me and Ghost, Soap and Rodolfo, whoever the hell that was- were to clear our buildings, get on the roof and snipe any gang members who were nearing the others' houses.

We loaded into the truck, Price handing us our packs, and we set off. We had to catch a heli and be flown into Mexico, before driving once more.  When we reached our destination, it was still light out. We decided to make camp in a nearby trailer park.

"We'll rest here." Price stated. "Talk to your partners. Figure out strategies and whatever. Or join me with a cigar."

I watched as Alejandro greeted some other people who were int he trailer park as me and Ghost sat on the porch of an abandoned, dirty trailer in silence, before he decided to break it.

"Nervous?" He asked, messing with the scope on his assault rifle.

"No." I replied.

"And why in the fuck aren't you?"

"I don't have a reason to be."

Ghost looked up from his optics to stare at the dirt in front of us for a moment, before turning to me and saying, "You remind me of myself. Just...less charming."

"Aw. Is that sweet or mean?" 


"Alright." Price stomped out his cigar. "I'm heading to bed, I advise you all to do the same."

Rudy and Alejandro went to sleep shortly after him, followed by Soap and Gaz, and finally, Farah disappeared into her tent. Me and Ghost were left sitting in front of the fire, both avoiding each other's eyes.

"Don't..." Ghost eventually decided to say something after ten minutes of silence. "Don't you normally braid your hair..?" 

I looked up at him. I occasionally braided my hair before bed- I didn't think he'd notice, seeing as how I'd only done it once or twice since moving into their base.

"Uh..." I rubbed my palms together awkwardly. "Yeah." I pulled a hair elastic off my wrist and was about to start braiding when he stopped me. 

"Let me..." Ghost took the elastic and ran his gloved fingers through my hair. "Let me do it."

I turned around so he could braid it easier and smiled to myself. After a few minutes, he had finished the braid.

I swung it over my shoulder to see it. It was so well braided and neat- he had done a better job than I could myself.

"Ghost..." He had gone back to staring into the fire, seeming to be attempting to avoid my eyes even more now. "How'd you learn to braid so well?"

He turned to me, staring into my eyes for a moment. I tried really hard to not seem uncomfortable when staring back.

"It's helpful," He sniffed. "Useful for intertwining rope or somethin' else."

"Like braiding your crush's hair." Soap loudly snickered from his tent, followed by giggles from Gaz and Farah.

"Shut your fuckin' hole MacTavish!" Ghost shouted.

I went back to my staring contest with the campfire as Soap and Ghost threw insults back and forth.

When they had finally finished, Ghost turned back to me. "Think we'll be a good team?" I asked, giving him a reason as to why he was staring at me again.

Ghost gave me a once-over, before muttering, "Definitely." under his breath quietly.

"What was that?" I laughed, trying to pretend I didn't hear him well.

He cleared his throat. "Possibly." He got up abruptly, put out the fire.

"Want me to like you, Dice?" He asked, stomping on a small coal. "Prove yourself."

-TASK FORCE 141- *ghost x y/n*Where stories live. Discover now