-drop him-

963 16 5

I awoke to Ghost's boot in my side.

"They're preparing for him. Get ready, we're moving in five."

I groaned, before realizing what was going on. The target is coming.

I dressed quickly, throwing my plate carrier over myself haphazardly. Ghost was outside, taking down his tent quickly. I did the same after dressing. I kicked snow over the remnants of the fire from earlier, before tossing all of my crap into a backpack and grabbing my sniper rifle. Bolt action, of course. 

My watch said it was a little past 0200. The forest was completely dark, but me and Ghost just took out our headlamps silently and begin to walk.

I followed Ghost up the snowy hill. Something about it felt comforting, and made me almost want to daydream. When my thoughts strayed too far, I would picture the snow becoming red with warm blood and melting away. 

That is exactly what's going to happen if you don't fucking focus, Dice.

Ghost was trudging through the snow, his headlamp lighting the forest in front of him. Eventually, I spoke up.

"So, did you hear them coming, or..?" I was curious as to how he knew they were preparing for the target's arrival.

"No." He replied simply. I turned my attention back to the snow. After a few seconds, I realized. There was a set of footprints going up and back down, the exact path Ghost was following. He must've already come by here...

"Do you often go on walks at two in the morning?" I asked, kicking up some snow.

"I was just going out. Enjoying the snow. What's it to you?" Ghost asked.

"Nothing. And what do you mean by 'enjoying the snow'? All you've done is complain about it. And I can't exactly picture you building a snowman." I snickered, adjusting my headlamp on my skull.

"I was just walking." Ghost said, looking at me, almost daring me to make another half-assed joke.

"Alright... what's this target's name, anyway?"

"Radimir Obnizov."


"Yeah. That's all we deal with anymore."

I watched more snow crunch underneath my boots.

"We're almost there. Dim your headlamp."

I dimmed my lamp to the lowest setting, following Ghost as I did so. The hill's elevation raised, and I looked down at the boot prints again. Ghost ventured up the manmade path smoothly, while I stumbled behind and struggled to look as seamless as he did with my movements. As if this wasn't his first time doing this. I wondered how many times he's gone down this path, how many times he planned and replanned the route. 

We reached the top, and Ghost turned off his light. I did the same. I got on my stomach and peered over the top of the hill. Below was a completely flat surface, with a few tents, humvees, and crates. It was mostly covered in snow, except for a circular clearing.

"I wonder why it's so damn flat," Ghost mumbled, looking over the camp.

"Might be a lake. It makes sense for them to get Radimir in while it's so damn cold, it's frozen over." I responded, still eyeing the area.

Ghost nodded, looking up at the sky, and then back down to the camp. People were moving all around. I got out binoculars and looked them over.

"Are they soldiers?" Ghost asked.

"Negative." I replied, looking over the men. It was true. They wore navy jackets, dark snow pants, and snow boots. Some wore helmets, others wore baseball caps or nothing at all on their heads.

"This isn't a military deal, then. What the hell Radimir is doing with a bunch of randos, I don't know." I handed my binoculars to Ghost. He started to look them over while I loaded my sniper. I watched as the men sat to play cards, or talk, or simply sit and do nothing. 

We sat in silence, like we usually did. But for once, it was comforting. I decided not to break it.

At around 0330, the helicopter arrived. 

Ghost had whispered a warning to me when he first saw it, but it didn't matter because I had already heard it. I watched it begin it's descent to the frozen lake for a moment before getting my sniper and looking through the scope.

There was two guys in the helicopter next to who I assumed was Radimir, because he wore a suit and looked much more well-groomed. As the helicopter came closer to landing, I readied myself to take the shot.

Ghost whisper-shouted to me. "Don't shoot until I say so."

I nodded, watching the heli. It finally touched down, and Radimir got out with his two "guards". They wore plate carriers, helmets, and had pistols in their hands.

Radimir began walking towards a humvee while the men around him cheered and greeted him. Normally, this is when I would've taken a shot. But Ghost didn't say anything. He didn't even move. I was almost tempted to check his pulse.

As Radimir closed the distance between himself and the humvee, I felt frustration in myself. If  Radimir escaped, this mission was a total waste. And I would've failed, all because Ghost couldn't just let me do my job...

Radimir's fingers wrapped around the humvee handle, and that's when Ghost said it.

"Drop him."

My fingers pulled the trigger and I watched as the man instantly fell.

-TASK FORCE 141- *ghost x y/n*Where stories live. Discover now