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~I'm making a little story for Inquisitore3, posted the first chapter an hour or so ago. Go check it out, if you want!~


Nikolai was the pilot for me and Ghost. No one else- just the three of us, sitting in silence in a helicopter as we watched the snow beneath us get heavier and heavier the further we went.

Setting up our camp was going to be a nightmare.

The plan was simple, just annoying- Me and Ghost were gonna camp on one side of a mountain, whilst our enemies were preparing for our target to land on the other side. Once they had finished and the target landed, we were to take him out.

The hard part was going to be waiting. Waiting in the freezing cold. Waiting with a person who doesn't seem to enjoy my company. Waiting for anything interesting to happen.

I watched as trees disappeared from beneath us. Ghost was in the other seat, checking our food supply.

"Be useful," He told me after a good hour of complete silence. 

"How can I do that?" I rolled my eyes, standing up.

"Check our ammunitions."

"Yes sir." I started sifting through the supply of mags and bullets, counting them.

"We should be good, as long as we don't get so bored we use the mountain as a shooting range." I began loading my pistol. 

Ghost closed his eyes and took a deep breath, probably trying to suppress the urge to yell at me.

After a few minutes, Nikolai called out to us from the front seat. "Five minutes out, you two."

We grabbed our packs and other things before Nikolai dropped us off, in a small, secluded forest area. We had to use the ladder to get to our site, and once we were both down, Nikolai gave us a wave before flying off.

Ghost groaned. "Leave it to Price to put us in the coldest fuckin' place..."

I took off my pack, rummaging around for some matches and our tent.

"You get the fire, I get the tents."

Ghost shrugged his own pack off. "Got it."

Luckily, the trees provided us some cover. There was only two or three inches of snow in our little area, but it was still freezing. I kicked snow out of the way for both the tents and the fire, before assembling the tent. Usually I would end up cussing several times and getting really annoyed at an inanimate object for being so goddamn hard to put together, but I actually was able to assemble our tents easily. By the time I finished, the sun had set and Ghost was cooking us both spaghetti MREs.

"Here," He mumbled, handing me the hot food as he quickly began eating his own.

He pointed up at the smoke from the fire. "Can't have this lit in the day, they'll see it."

"Did we pack handwarmers or anything?"

"Yeah. Somewhere in my pack..."

We ate in silence, the whole vibe of the mountain keeping us company. It was a comfortable, but odd feeling. Ghost pointed that out.

"It's so damn quiet here," He muttered. "Nothin' like my other missions... and no light pollution either." He pointed upwards, and I could see through the tree branches and snow that the sky was dark, lit only by stars. "The way it should be..." Ghost went back to eating.

"I agree..." My eyes were locked on the night sky now. "This whole place feels different... like we're completely alone, but not lonely."

Ghost stopped chewing, seeming to think about what I had said. "Yeah... I agree."

"D'you know when the target is actually going to arrive?" I asked him, using my hot food to warm up my hands.

"Could be from tomorrow up to two weeks. Anything past two and a half and we've got to radio in for exfil. Did you pay attention at all?"

His sudden insult surprised me. "Yeah, I was just doublechecking..." 

Thank God my face was already red from the cold.

After we ate, I began setting up my sleeping bag as Ghost sat outside, drawing something in his journal. I didn't bother to ask what- frankly, it was none of my business- but he seemed oddly focused and kept pausing to look around at our surroundings. I watched him silently for a few minutes, before sliding into my tent and changing into a different pair of warm clothes and crawling underneath my sleeping bag. After a few minutes and the "Psssh" sound of water being poured over a fire, I heard Ghost's tent close. 

I feel asleep to the sound of his breathing and the animals outside our campsite.

-TASK FORCE 141- *ghost x y/n*Where stories live. Discover now