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somewhat inspired by a certain *cough cough* ASMR rp-

The next morning, me and Soap headed to the gym together, greeted by Gaz and Ghost. Those two never seemed to talk, just enjoyed the silence together. 

I headed over to a treadmill as Soap began to flick a rubber band at Gaz.

I stayed in the gym longer than usual, even after Soap and Gaz had gone to the kitchen for lunch. Left with Ghost, I tried to focus on my workout until I finished.

As I was putting a weight back on the rack, preparing to leave, I heard a weird gurgling sound. I turned to see him sitting on the floor, eyes looking up at me and hands holding a water bottle as he drank from it.

I laughed, the sight of him on the floor somewhat humorous for me.

"Whot?" He asked, and I thought I saw his jaw move the way it would if he were smiling.

"Nothing," I giggled, turning around to grab my own water.

We drank in silence for a minute, before Ghost decided to break it. "We should get to lunch."

I wiped my mouth. "Yeah."

We walked to the kitchen together, me trailing behind him as he lead the way.

I was more comfortable with this building- at least, I was confident enough to get from one place to another without stumbling around and eventually having to find someone to ask. Despite that, I let Ghost lead me. It seemed to make him feel better than when I was in front. Maybe he thought I was going to get us lost.

Soap and Gaz were standing around the stove, watching a pot of water boil.

"Why're you so fixated on the water?" I asked, smiling as me and Ghost came up behind them.

Gaz jumped as they both turned to as. 

"What else is there to do," Soap's Scottish accent seemed to be more prominent after he finished with the gym. "Besides watch fuckin' liquid bubble."

"You could find something that has to do with your job, MacTavish." Ghost murmured as he took a tubberware container out of the fridge, presumably his lunch. 

"Oi, shut yer mouth," Soap stuck a spoon in the water as if it was going to speed up the heating process.

Ghost shook his head, leaving the kitchen with his food to go eat somewhere else.

"I'm gonna tell you somethin' I shouldn't, Dice," Soap started, before being interrupted by Gaz.

"If its the thing from when we were in Price's office, just know I won't protect you when Ghost beats the shit out of you."

"I'm a fast runner." Soap smirked. 

"So is Ghost," I pointed out, readjusting the pot handle to be away from the edge.

"Ah, whatever. Anyways, we were in Price's office before you came here, we were lookin' over yer file and Price hadn't put yer callsign down, so we started making random guesses. Ghost came in and took one look at yer photo, and muttered sumthin' about how yer cute enough for you callsign to be Sugarcube."

Ik its really short.... i have others i promise

going on vacay again but this one is shorter!

-TASK FORCE 141- *ghost x y/n*Where stories live. Discover now