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Malcolm and Katie sat outside on a big picnic bench that the camp set up not to long ago. He and Katie were almost finished with two blueprints they had been working on for the past three months and a half.

The first blueprint was of a garden, big enough to be a small park. There, some demi-god couples could have a date since Malcolm noticed more couples were popping up. The second one was a new green house for the Demeter cabin.

Malcolm needed help with the first blueprint from the Demeter cabin, Satyrs and Nymphs. Grover had agreed to help because he wanted more greens in the camp, as long as the Demeter cabin were willing to help as well so the process would be faster. Katie agreed to help as long as Malcolm helped map out a new green house for them, and so the projects began.

As they were fixing up a few details, they heard someone say, "Oh, would you look at that," Making both Malcolm and Katie groan, more Katie than Malcolm.

"What do you want, Travis?" Katie questioned with a huff. Malcolm never knew how she could see the difference between the two identical looking brothers. "And where's your idiot twin brother?" Travis frowned at that.

"Hey! Only I can call him an idiot!" He exclaimed, pouting a bit, but then returned to his impish grin. He swatted his hand at the blueprints, making Malcolm hug the one with the couples park, and Katie grabbing her precious green house.

Malcolm felt the blueprint get snatched away from his grasp by someone behind him - it was Connor! Katie gasped and looked away from Travis, big mistake. Travis grabbed her's and went out in a full on sprint.

"GET THEM!" Katie roared, making Malcolm jump to his feet, chasing after Connor as Katie chased after a laughing Travis.

He raced after Connor, ignoring the faces he got from the other campers. He wasn't usually active, well he used to be before the Titan war, but now he was just tired most of the time. When he got close, he reached out a hand to grab at Connors orange Camp Half Blood shirt, but Connor - unfortunately - sped up.

"Curse you Connor!" He exclaimed through his heavy breathing as he heard Connors laugh in the distance.

"Malcolm, what's wrong?" Annabeth asked curiously as to why Malcolm had business with one of the Stoll brothers.

"He - stole - my - blueprints -" he managed to huff out. Annabeth widened her eyes then yelled,

"ATHENA CABIN! THE STOLL BROTHERS HAVE 'STOLLEN' SOMETHING FROM US! HUNT THEM DOWN!" She declared, slightly wincing at her bad pun, and cursed something in Greek that Malcolm had trouble hearing.

Something about hanging around Percy to much.

A group of campers roared and rushed to look for the brothers, it seemed like Katie did the same because the Demeter cabin was also running around looking for the brothers screaming,


*Connor POV*

A wild smile spread across my face as I felt the wind crashing against my body. The thrill of stealing was always rewarding, I loved the sensation it brought to me. The thought of knowing I stole something that wasn't mine, was absolutely addicting to - maybe it's cause I'm the son of Hermes, oh well.

I ran up a tree and sat on top of the highest branch, breathing heavily. My older brother, Travis, coming up after a few moments, muttering about some crazy Demeter kids shouting about their "precious" little green house.

We looked at each other and did a fist bump that ended with me and him slamming our hands together in a tight hold.

"Whew!" Travis exclaimed, leaning back on the tree.

"Shut up!" I scolded him, "they might hear you."

"Yeah, Yeah, but I think we hit the jackpot today!" He grinned, making me grin as well. I rolled out the blueprints gingerly, looking at the thing the other kid with Katie was working on.

Hey, I might steal stuff, but I do respect the things I steal. Always keeping them nice and tidy, as to not destroy them.

"Huh? A couples garden?" Travis stated in a confused manner. "We can't mess with that." I  responded, and he nodded an agreement.

"But this," he pointed to the blue print he was holding. "We can." It was a green house for the Demeter's cabin, nice!

"Wow, these are pretty well drawn." I said, admiring the handiwork. "Who made it? Katie?"

"Nope, never seen her draw like this." He stated with certainty. Gods, he was obsessed with Katie Gardiner.

"Was it the other kid with her?" I asked. "Must be." He replied back.

Suddenly, the tree we were sitting on shook. Before we could regain balance again, the tree shook - this time knocking us both down from the tree.

I hugged the blueprint in my hand, and turned my body so my back was facing the ground. I landed with an "oof" on a big pillow, my blueprint survived, but for the other one? Not so much.

Travis groaned as he got up, then gasping and looking down. He had landed on the blue print and it was now ripped into pieces. I looked up to see Chiron, Katie, and the other kid looking down at us with an annoyed expression.

"C'mon, lets talk about stealing in my office -for the millionth time." Chiron huffed making us chuckle.

The other kid, and mostly Katie - screeched when they saw the ripped blueprint. Katie bent down to baby hold the blueprint, as the other kid got on his hands and knees in defeat.


Word count: 942

A/N: Hello my sunshines! This is my first chapter of the Connor x Malcolm Fanfic! Hurrah! It is a bit short, sorry about that, but the upcoming chapter will be longer - I swear! So please be patient, thank you all for reading! See you next chapter~😊

┋𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓪 𝓑𝓮𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓲𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓖𝓪𝓻𝓭𝓮𝓷┋Connor x MalcolmWhere stories live. Discover now