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*Connor POV*

I was hysterical, laughing at an out of breath Malcolm - who was sweating buckets!

"So...not gonna tell us what happened?" Travis said in a confused manner, as Katie just sighed tiredly.

"Nothing," I wheezed out, "just me being me!" I laughed even harder, gaining a glare from Malcolm that made me jokingly try to shut my mouth.

"Woah...Malcolm, I swear you were the fastest Demi-god in the camp! Looks like you've been skipping out on training." Katie grinned, surprising me and my brother.

"Well, I have to much work around the camp. Especially after the two..." he stopped. Can't blame him. The two wars were very....well - traumatic to us all, killing many people's will to live. Even after all this time, a lot people are still recovering - be it mentally, emotionally, or even physically. Me and my brother have been trying to cheer everyone up, it's been working nicely at least.

"Hah...never mind, lets just get on with this." Malcolm sighed, pushing his hair back and taking off his glasses to clean them.

Hey, this guy looked kinda nice without his glasses.


Leo burst in the cabin with his signature impish grin.

"Yo!" Leo exclaimed, making us all yelp in surprise. "Sorry," he rubbed the back of his head, bringing his voice level down.

"Anyways, we started to work on construction! I walked going to ask if you guys wanted to see how it was going?" Leo asked, looking around.

Malcolm seemed to want to go and see, but he sighed.

"I would love to but I have to finish of this blue print for the green house and-"

"It's fine! I can finish this up, you go ahead and watch your own get built. I'll get help from Annabeth if I need it." Katie reassured Malcolm.

"Yeah! I'll stay behind and help Katie!" Katie stomped on Travis's foot and crossed her arms.

"And who said that?" She asked him, quirking an eyebrow.

"Ouch! C'mon Katie," he proceeded to whisper in her ear and her face got red.

"UGH! Fine!" She stomped to the ground and rolled out the blue print.

"Thanks Katie. Connor?" Malcolm looked at me.

"Huh? Me?" I said, and he nodded. "Uh - I'll go with you." I grinned and walked out.

"What a way to escape your punishment." Malcolm muttered before following me out.

"Be nice kids!~" Leo snickered at the two staying behind, and shut the cabin door.

But not before Travis yelled: "HURRY UP AND FUCK JASON ALREADY!"

Leo's face turned red and he started speed walking to the area where Malcolm wanted to build the park.

I snickered and Malcolm sighed, putting a hand on his forehead. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and also dramatically sighed.

"Our kids, they grow up so fast." I chuckled, and Malcolm's face grew red, "What?"

"Nothing! Just - don't say that ever again!" He rushed off and soon caught up to Leo.

I don't know why he did what he did, so don't look at me.

I shrugged and just ran up to them, putting my arms around their necks and jostled them around while laughing.


We made it to the area of the building site, and I gotta say, I didn't know what to say. I mean - it wasn't finished and it was just...some wooden planks here and there, dirt, seeds and stuff.

But Malcolm seemed to absolutely beam at the sight, his eyes shined and he smiled widely, a bit of pink grazed his cheeks as he looked around.

That looked cute...no, wait...what?

I looked down and put a hand on my cheek, what was that just now?

"You...Okay?" I flinched a little from the sudden voice of Malcolm, and he looked at me like I was a weirdo.

Which I'm not!

"Oh, Uh...Yeah?" Well....I played that off nicely. He quirked an eyebrow.

"So!" I said, trying to change the topic, "I think I saw some seeds, what flowers will be put here?"

Malcolm eyed me, but smiled and looked the construction, "I was mainly thinking about Aster flowers."

"Oh...Wait - I learned this...I think it was some goddesses tears?" I wondered, and he nodded.

"Yes, aster flowers were created out of the Goddess Astrea's tears. Over time, its melancholic beginnings have transformed into more...heart-felt, meanings today. Typically, the aster flowers represent love in all its forms." He explained.

"But, I was thinking about the red and pink colored ones, they mean undying devotion. Maybe white ones..." He dragged off.

"Why was she crying?" I asked because...I mean...why was she?

"Oh, it was because there weren't enough stars in the sky." He elaborated further, and I noticed he moved his hands a lot to accentuate his words.

"Wow? That's a weird thing to cry over." Malcolm shrugged.

"I'm surprised people could correlate something sad to something that's supposed to be happy like love...though love is tough I suppose." I nodded to that.

"Anymore flowers you decided to add?" I questioned again, I hope I'm not nagging him...Wait- when did I even care?

"Well, obviously roses. Katie recommended a couple of other flowers too." Malcolm started.

"I think she said...red carnations represent a deep love while white ones reflect a pure, sweet love...red camellias represent passion and desire, and the white ones apparently speak to your adoration. In the middle, you have pink camellias which represent a romantic longing for someone....Heliotrope flowers mean everlasting and eternal love..." he kept going on about flowers, and my brain was getting way to much information.

"Okay, So! What made you want to build this...couple garden?" I asked.

"Oh...it's just because I saw more couples around camp. But there aren't much places to have a date around, so I decided to make one...and I might have also made it so I could finally see Jason and Leo being a couple." I laughed and fist-bumped Malcolm.

I thought this dude was a boring nerd, but I guess boring nerds can be fun...sometimes.


Word count: 1071


Hello my sunshine's!

It's been a long while, but I'm back! And I think I have a better updating schedule!

But it's slow...

Oh well!

As I've said before-

I'm at least hoping to update every two to three weeks, mostly because I have so much ideas with such little motivation to write...

I hope you guys enjoyed!

💗गुड बाई माई सन्शायनस!!!💗

💗Good bye my sunshine's!!!💗

┋𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓪 𝓑𝓮𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓲𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓖𝓪𝓻𝓭𝓮𝓷┋Connor x MalcolmWhere stories live. Discover now