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*Connor POV*

After Leo left, Jason came in looking for him. "Nyssa, is Leo here?" He asked looking around.

"Nope! Just left to go meet with you and Pipes." My brother stated, then wiggled his eyebrows. "Why? Are you and him finally dating?" Travis suggested, making Jason's ears turn bright red as he tried to calm himself down.

"No! I'm just being a good friend, and I don't like him like that!" Jason protested.

"Ri-i-i-i-i-ight," I replied back with a grin. I may be joking around with him right now, but they do feel like they would be nice for each other.

I'm good friends with Leo, and he has opened up to me about his mental stability. I think Jason could really help with that, plus, they would look cute together.

Jason left in a hurry, leaving me and Travis snickering.

"As much as I respect Jason, he is just plain obvious." Malcolm shakes his head, catching me off guard. I didn't really think he was the type to say something like that.

"Come on, we need to remake the blue print for the Demeter green house, and I have to give Leo the blue print for my project as well." We followed him like baby ducklings following their mother duck.

The heck? When did it become so natural to follow him like a leader? I thought, well, he is very leader like I guess...pretty admirable guy.


"Katie, go ahead and give this blueprint to Leo." He said when he emerged from the Athena cabin, carrying a blueprint.

"I will go with you!" Travis raises his hand like he was urging the teacher to pick him to answer a question.

"No." Katie responded almost instantaneously. Though she acts like she doesn't like him, I have an itching assumption she just might.

"Come on!" Travis whined, trying to persuade her with some puppy eyes.

Katie blushed, "Fine! Don't cause any trouble!" She marched away with a happy Travis following her lead.

"They're cute together." Malcolm stated.

"Huh? Oh, yeah." I agree, nodding my head up and down. He sprawls out the blueprint on the floor of Percy and Tyson's cabin, and starts to redraw the green house blue print.

I look at him, getting a better look. I never really payed any attention to him, but maybe I should have. He looked a lot like Annabethanny, (a joke name I came up with my brother) his blonde hair cut short, almost like an army cut, but a bit longer in length. Didn't have a single hair out of line, which contrasted with my own messy hair. His eyes were a grey color behind his thick eye glasses, they looked serious - but tired. He was a few inches short than me, maybe two. He was thin and looked frail, but for some reason his face and the expression on it made me think I shouldn't underestimate him.

"So, anything you need help with?" I break the silence that was filled with sounds of pencil on paper.

"Right, you can do math, right? I need you to finish just a few more calculations." He pointed to a corner on the paper that had a formula set up already.

I shrug, how hard can it be?

Apparently, very hard.

After a while of me trying to wrap my head around the equations, I gave up with a deep sigh. I almost screamed when I felt his hot breath next to me, his face right beside my own.

"How are you doing?" He says, looking at me work.

"Not that well - turns out I'm bad at math." I shrug again, He groaned a bit, but started to erase some of my work, and re-did it.

"You didn't do that bad actually, you either just counted wrong, or used the wrong thing, and got the right answer." I arch an eyebrow, what is this? A test?

"Oh well, can't be helped I guess." I sigh, "You were making a couples park, right?" I questioned as he went back to drawing.

"Affirmative." He replied, not looking up from his work.

"Why? Did you make it for someone?" I suggest that he had someone he liked.

"No, though I have had some people I have grown...accustomed too, I did not make my park for anyone I have had interest in." He kept sketching.

"M' Kay, do you think your going to end up with someone?" I question him further, trying to fill up the empty sound around us.

"Probably not for a while. It takes a while for me to actually like like someone, and I haven't the time to get to know someone emotionally." He huffs, not really like he was annoyed, more tired than anything.

"Hmm...I myself just haven't been interested in many people actually." I state, making him raise an eyebrow.

"Really? I thought you were dating someone." He questions, making me confused.

"Who?" I ask, and he just shrugged in response.

"I don't really know, I had just speculated you did have somebody of romantic interest." He stated with full honesty, never looking away from his work.

"Ah, nah - I'd rather be married to a prank pack." I joked, earning an unexpected chuckle from Malcolm.

"The same is in my mind, though I would rather marry a book." He smiled, jokingly. I know it's not anything special - but for some reason, that smile made me feel...weird. I also noticed he had a small dimple on his left cheek.

"Of course," He started, snapping me out of my trance, "I would like to feel something romantic with another. I'm just curious, I wonder how it feels." He said thoughtfully.

"Huh? Have you never actually liked someone before?" I blurted out, he drew thoughtfully, his face looked like he was trying to find anything from his brain.

"I think...I think I did before. Though I do not remember the feeling or the person it was directed to." He sighed. "When are the two love birds coming back?" And as if right on cue, Katie and Travis came through the cabin door.

Malcom muttered under his breath, "Looks like they did more than supply Leo of my blueprint." I laughed at that, gaining a look from Katie.

"I am almost finished with your cabins green house, maybe in two days I will be. Though you two have taken longer than I had anticipated," he looked at the two blushing idiots and sighed once again. "we shall go and rest. We will meet up tomorrow." All of us nodded our heads and said our good byes.

for some reason - I didn't want to.


Word count: 1120


Again - wrote a bit too much...but no matter! This story is going quite well, and I hope you all like it!

💗गुड बाई माई सन्शायनस!!!💗

💗Good bye my sunshine's!!!💗


┋𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓪 𝓑𝓮𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓲𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓖𝓪𝓻𝓭𝓮𝓷┋Connor x MalcolmWhere stories live. Discover now