844 30 142

*Malcolm POV*

I sighed contently as I got comfy on my bed. My siblings are either sleeping, reading, or working their night away. I was going to do the latter, but decided I would work my best when I get my rest.

Huh. Seems I'm better than some of the Apollo kids.

I turn to face the cabin wall.

Surprisingly, I learned something about Connor I hadn't known. He to hasn't had a romantic interest in a while. It felt nice to know someone else was on the same boat as me.

He is actually really calm, well, calmer than I had originally expected, at least. He is nice and really easy to talk to, it's nice to have someone like that. Yes, I do have a few friends, most being my siblings, especially Annabeth.

She is a great leader and sister. But she has this habit of over thinking, or over complicating things. Talking to her is like trying to understand how a platypus's fur glows under black/UV light.

Connor is just...chill. Like a nice neighbor I guess, I don't really know. Though...I did realize something when talking to him.

I had romantic feelings towards another in my past. Though I cannot remember who, it's reassuring to know I can feel love.

I sigh, and start to give in to my Somnolence, and went to sleep.


The next day, I got up early. I'm not sure at what time, because I don't have a watch. But I brushed my teeth, took a shower, and head out.

My hair was a bit damp, but I really need to finish these projects.

"Hey!" A boy with curly brown hair called out, almost making me scream.

"Gods! Leo, please do not scare me like that." I say, holding onto my chest as I let out a breath.

"Oops, sorry man." He said, giving me a smile while scratching the back of his head. "Anyway, about the project, you kinda forgot to tell us where we were gonna build it."

"Oh gods, what is wrong with me these days." I slap my hand against my forehead.

"Hey, no problem my dude, it happens to the best of us." He grinned.

"Yeah, come on. I'll show you where to start building." I showed him where to start building and he nodded. He scanned the area and smiled.

"This is a nice place to build!" He bent down to touch the grass. "The camp also has nice and fertile land. Okay, I'll tell the others, adíos!" I waved goodbye to him as he ran to his cabin.

I gave out a huff of pride, it was nice to be complimented - being complimented by a Hephaestus child is really nice, especially by him. He is an absolute genius - if you hadn't figured out by now. Did you know he built a flying ship?

Why am I talking to nobody? I huffed, and walked over to Percy's cabin, knocking on the door.

A tired Tyson came to greet me, and I had to crane my neck all the way back so I could see him. It's either he's tall, or I'm short, it's probably the former option - him being a cyclops and everything.

"Ah, hello Tyson." I said, expecting Percy. But Tyson was equally as great to meet.

He perked up when he saw me. "I am sorry! Big brother Percy told me you and friends were coming, I forget..." He sniffled and started to pout.

Oh my gods, this innocent creature is so scary but cute. I thought.

"It's fine Tyson, I have arrived pretty early today, and the others haven't even arrived yet." I gave my best broken smile, it seemed to have cheered him up.

"Okay! I will leave now, thank you for being very nice to me." Tyson left with a smile on his face.

I chuckled softly and stepped inside, setting down all the equipment. I waited for a few moments when I heard a knock on the cabin door.

I opened it to see Katie.

"Hey Katie, how are you?" I asked, seeing her yawn.

"Tired. I couldn't get even a wink of sleep knowing this green house would be finished today - so I'm a bit rusty." I nodded to her explanation. It seemed she was to tired to do her hair because it was a mess.

Next to come was Travis. It was a bit weird to see him with out Connor, but he said Connor wouldn't get up and just decided to let him sleep.

After a while, I huffed and went out to go wake him up.

Walking into the Hermes cabin, a lot of others greeted me. This place was packed with kids. I really need to renovate this place to have two stories.

"Hi, do you know where Connor is?" I asked one of the kids.

"Why? Are you his boyfriend?" The little boy replied, I started to shake my head side to side frantically.

"Oh no, I'm not. You see - I'm working on a project with him and-" I started to elaborate, but got cut off.

"Okay, he's sleeping over there." He pointed over at one of the bunk beds, and I awkwardly thanked him.

I walked over to Connor, seeing him wrapped under his blankets. I was contemplating how to wake him up, and decided on just shaking him.

"Connor, wake up. The others have already arrived. We need to start on the project." I shook him, and he groaned.

"Five more minutes..." he answered sleepily.

Like he had a choice.

We were already way off schedule.

I stepped back, and jumped on his bed - landing right beside him, causing him to jump up in surprise.

"Gods...!" He groaned out, ruffling his messy brown hair. "At least give a guy a warning."

"Well I knew you weren't going to get up. Plus, we're already late. So I took some drastic measures." I got up and waited for him to jostle himself out of his blankets.

"Funny how that was a drastic measure for you." He laughed as he made his way to the bathroom.

I sighed and decided to wait for him, and sat on his bed.

He came back, a bit surprised to see me but shrugged his shoulders and carried on with getting ready.

"Your slow. Hurry, we need to finish up." I stated, fixing my glasses higher up the bridge of my nose.

"I know, I know, pocket protecter." He rolled his eyes.

"Excuse me?" I honestly had no idea what he was trying to imply. He sighed and walked over to me, looking down.

"What?" I crossed my arms.

He suddenly grabbed a hold of my shoulders and then proceeded to drop me on the floor, and started to fix his bed.

"You little!-" I started, but he beat me to it. He sprinted out the door yelling,


I have never ran faster in my life, ever.


Word count: 1212


Hello my sunshines!

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while- I just had no motivation to write anything😥

But I'm back and hopefully more energized to write more for you guys!

💗गुड बाई माई सन्शायनस!!!💗

💗Good bye my sunshine's!!!💗

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