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*Connor POV*

"Hey, Mal." I said. For some reason, it felt like I hadn't seen him for years.

In the distance, he was in his garden, the sunset just barely there. He smiled, and waved a small 'hi' to me.

I noticed he was tearing up, but tears of my own were falling as well.

I ran up to him, my smile and tears frowning bigger and stronger. He spread his arms out, giving me a warm welcome.

A welcome back home.

Suddenly, everything stopped. We gazed into each others eyes, coming closer as the air grew still.

We were so close, our foreheads were touching. We were closing in, looking at each others lips. Then-

I awoke with a groan, looking around, I didn't know where I was.

Did I just have a good dream?

I looked to the side and I saw a sleeping Malcolm. His cheek was smooshed against his forearm where he rested his head. A faint blush surfacing his face as he breathed slowly. I never really noticed, but he has long eyelashes.

Had I died? Am I in heaven?

"Oh, CONNOR!" My idiot brother busted in.

I ended up in the fields of punishments.

"Gyah! What the Fu-what?!" Malcolm said, jumping awake.

"Oops- Sorry Mal, Oh! Your awake!" Travis pointed at me with a smirk.

"Yeah, and I'm having a major headache right now." I said as I groaned.

"What?" Travis asked.

"There it is again!" I winced.

"Ah, you are awake." Malcolm said. Huh? What's with that weird tone?

"Really? I'm still sleeping, am I not?" I grinned, then felt the bandage on my nose, then some pain.

"Wait- you broke my nose?!" I exclaimed, in shock. Malcom's face started to grow red.

"I didn't mean to!" He said covering his face with his hands.

Travis started laughing hysterically, tears running down his face as he clutched his gut in pain.

"Shut up, idiot." Katie scolded Travis.

"Well, hello sister-in-law!" I greeted Katie, making Travis and her blush.

"They aren't denying it today, huh?" I whispered to Malcolm, who was looking at them with a strange look in his eyes. Was it...longing?

"I have to go and alert Will." Malcolm got up, but cleared his throat uncomfortably. "I will also get some water."

Again, what was with that weird tone? Why was he acting so distant? What had happened as I was knocked out?


After wards, it was just me teasing Travis and Katie. I swear I could feel the embarrassment flowing through the air.

"Hello, Connor!" Will busted in.

"Sheesh! Not so loud! Your giving me a head ache." I said, and he apologized.

"Let me see here..." Will took the bandage off of my nose. "Huh...yup! All done and healed."

I gave him a smile, then looked around. "Where's Mal?"

"Hm?" Will said, making sure my nose didn't heal wonky, "oh wait-" He grinned. "He's getting some water."

"Uh...thanks?" Why was he looking at me weirdly?

He leaned close to my ear, and whispered: "You talk a lot in your sleep."

"Stop that." Nico said, pulling back his boyfriend.

I drew in a small and sharp breath. Gods damn, I need Nico to teach me how to do that. Just imagine the pranks I could pull!

They all left, Will saying I could change my clothes and leave when I could walk better.

But wait...what did he mean by that? I talked in my sleep? Why'd he look at me like that when I asked about Malcolm?

Wait...no. Did...did I- did I tell him I liked Mal? I pushed away the thought, I couldn't have.

But...is that why Malcolm was acting so weird?

My face heated up and I turned over to stuff my face into the pillows as I kicked my feet against the bed.


I finally let myself breathe, my face still feeling hot. As I rapidly took breathes, I realized something.

Wait...does that mean he doesn't like me back?


Word count: 828


Hello my sunshines!

This chapter is pretty short compared to the others— sorry!

Again, I will be posting once a week every Friday!

💗गुड बाई माई सन्शायनस!!!💗

💗Good bye my sunshine's!!!💗

┋𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓪 𝓑𝓮𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓲𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓖𝓪𝓻𝓭𝓮𝓷┋Connor x MalcolmWhere stories live. Discover now