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*Malcolm POV*

I looked down, embarrassed as William laughed hysterically.

"O-Oh- my gods!" He drew a shaky breath in as he wiped a tear from his eyes. "I can't believe it!"

Yesterday, during the little monster incident, Chiron came out to check out what we were screaming about and saw us all trying to find the monster.

We were all screaming bloody murder as we tore down everything to find that damn spider.

He then saw me conflicted. Seeing me get up and down from Connor's body.

I wasn't sure whether to stay with him, or to just leave. Chiron dealt with the spider and took Connor to see the medics.

"Calm it down, Solace." I said, my face redder than a tomato. William finally calmed down, but he still had a huge smile plastered on his face.

"I know, I know. He deserved it! After pranking my boyfriend." William said.

Ah. I think Connor and Travis switched out Nico's, usually, black clothes into all pink clothes that day.

"Thank you, William." I said.

"Oh, it's fine. It's my job anyway!" He brushed it off, "Also, call me Will! William makes me sound like a middle-aged man, and people only call me Solace when I'm in trouble..."

"Noted." I nodded.

"He should awaken in a few, he just has a broken nose. I used a little ambrosia and a bit of anesthesia on him, so if he wakes up and acts a bit weird it's just the anesthesia talking. It should wear off by tomorrow." He stated.

"Why did you do surgery? I'm sure ambrosia itself would have been fine." I asked.

"Hey, I'm studying to be a doctor- I can't bust out the ambrosia on regular mortals," He laughed, and I nodded.

Willi- Will stopped, "Oh! Another thing,"

"Go ahead," I said, and Will came up to me talking in a whisper.

"I heard from a little birdie that you and Connor are dating~" Will winked at me and I probably grew way more red.

"What?!" I exclaimed, flustered, and Will giggled.

"Hey!..." I heard someone say groggily. "Get da fhwack away, prom em'!" Connor growled.

Will giggled again and walked out of the room, then yelped in surprise when he saw Nico waiting for him outside.

"Uhm...Connor?" I said, walking up to him.

I saw that he had purple skin around his eyes inner corners and his nose was bandaged up.

"Heyyyyy~ wassup homie???" He replied, and I sighed.

"The ceiling. Now- are you feeling alright?" I asked him, and he looked up in thought, then looked back at me a smiled.

"Ee-yup!" He said, adding an 'E' sound to the word yup.

"Good, do you think you can stand?" He, again, looked up— thinking.

He then tried to get up, and I helped. But not before I noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt.

Now usually, I wouldn't be bothered. We're both guys, anatomically we were the same, we probably have similar body types by the looks of it.

But strangely enough, he had a six-pack.

"What's wrong?" Connor asked, and I flipped around so quickly - I'm sure my rotation made the air around me move.

┋𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓪 𝓑𝓮𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓲𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓖𝓪𝓻𝓭𝓮𝓷┋Connor x MalcolmWhere stories live. Discover now