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*Malcolm POV*

I sat in Chiron's office with Katie, Travis, and Connor. Travis was trying to balance a pencil on his upper lip while Connor was cleaning out his nails...gross.

Me and Katie were still sullen about our work being ripped apart because of the stupid Stoll brothers, it took a over a month to draw, calculate, and design the whole green house!

Chiron snapped me out of my thoughts when he walked inside the room in his wheelchair to cover his horse counter part. He said he'd as he looked at the brothers who still haven't acknowledged the man walk in.

"Okay," He said, clearing his throat to begin. "Again. You two, you can't steal." He pointed a stern look at the two who were trying their best to not laugh. Man, I hate their impish grin - just looking at it makes me want to punch them.

"I will compromise a punishment for you both. Maybe I could get some help from you two?" He looked at me and Katie with an arched eyebrow.

"Send them to the fiery pits of Tartarus!" Katie stayed angrily, for it was her green house blueprint they ripped. Chiron stopped, thought, then looked at me.

I cleared my throat. "I think they should help us make and build a new blueprint and green house." Katie made an inhumanly screech.

"I am not letting their nasty hands on my green house!" She exclaimed, bashing her hand on Chiron's desk - making me flinch just the tiniest bit. "My poor plants will die!"

"Ouch! That hurt, Katie." Travis said in a dramatic hurt tone, rubbing his arm. Connor's face was bright red from trying not to laugh.

Katie rolled her eyes and Chiron cleared his throat again. "That seems like a great suggestion Malcolm, and if you two make any trouble - on purpose! I swear on my life you better start praying to the gods because this is the last time you guys are doing this again." Chiron sternly stated, gaining the two's attention, and making them sit up straight.

"You may leave." Chiron huffed and grabbed his cup of coffee as we walked out of his office. We left after him and Katie grumbled.

"They are going to ruin my green house!" She whined, gaining the attention of Travis.

"Hey, we won't! We are very responsible." He said matter-of-factly, pinching Katie's right cheek.

Katie blushed and smacked his hand away, receiving a laugh from Travis and Connor, and a bit of a chuckle from me.

"Hey, I remember you now," Connor said, pointing a finger at me.

"It's rude to point at someone, y'know." I answered him with a quirked eyebrow, putting his finger down.

"Your the dude who stepped into Annabeth's place when she got hurt during the war! Amazing, man!" I could feel my ears get a bit red. I'm not that used to compliments.

"Uhm, thank you for your compliment, but it wasn't that big of a deal. I am the co-councilor for the Athena cabin after all." I started, clearing my throat for the millionth time, "but we have to get to work." The twins groaned and Katie hit them both lightly in the arms.

"My personal project is finished, and is ready to be built. But we need to remake Katie's, lucky for us, I memorized almost everything I wrote and drew - so the process should fast." I opened the door for all of us. "Let's head to my cabin, we can concentrate better there." I paused, and thought for a moment. "Never mind, lets go see if we can go into one of the big three's cabin." It's not that big a deal any more to into their cabin, Percy likes to do game nights in his on Fridays.

┋𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓪 𝓑𝓮𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓲𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓖𝓪𝓻𝓭𝓮𝓷┋Connor x MalcolmWhere stories live. Discover now