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*Malcolm POV*

I drank some water and sat on my bed sighing. What was I going to do?

I tried not to think of him, but...his stupid grin, his stupid face, stupid abs— his whole stupid self kept invading my mind like an annoying little fly!

"Ugh..." I groaned as I smushed my face against my pillow.

"Mally?" Someone called out. "Are...are you okay?"

I looked up to see Ryan. He was a little boy, five years old to be exact. One of the young ones: Connor found him in an alleyway when he went out to grab some Diet Coke. His skin was like hot chocolate, and his hair in small, tight curls. His big doe eyes were the color of emeralds.

You might remember him as the person who had said I was Connors boyfriend,

He hasn't been claimed yet, but I knew he was a child of Demeter.

He had a strong personality, acting more mature than most other children. He loved plants, and anything nature related. I gave him a flower a while back.

Did I mention his love of wheat cereal?

"Yes? How may I assist?" I said, forcing out a smile. Though it was hard to do so. He didn't seem to be amused.

"...Uh...I just...I just wanted to be around you." He said, looking down. He was probably embarrassed. He hated asking for help.

"Oh, of course! Would you like to stay the night?" I asked as I lifted up my blanket.

"...yeah." He walked over to me, stepping over my siblings works, and saying excuse me to those who sat near my bed.

He laid down, his head resting on my lap as I played with his curls. "A bad dream?" He didn't do anything for a moment, then he nodded his head.

A bad dream aren't uncommon for demigods, but I'm sure you all know this by now.

"...wanna talk about it?" I said softly.

"..." he stayed silent for a moment. I feared I might have made him uncomfortable, but he spoke again. "I keep seeing this...girl."

"Oh?" I said in a way that beckoned him to keep talking.

"She...she's pretty..." He tightened into a curl, his cheeks turning a deep shade of maroon. I giggled.

"She talks in another language though...I think French? I don't know..." His blush started to fade away, as did that certain look in his eyes, a look I sent towards Connor too much times.

"Another girl I think? Her hair is cut short, kind of like yours, Mally!" He exclaimed happily, turning his head to look at me.

I smiled and stroked his head. "What else?"

"The breeze..then - uhm...they both...kind of just disappeared in the darkness of my dream and I wake up." He looked down at his arms. "I don't know why...but it gives me the prickles!"

"Hmm..." I furrowed my eyebrows, what could that mean? I'm not sure...

"I just want to stay...my dreams go away when I'm near you...." he stated, and I nodded.

"Do you need some help? Clovis could help if you need it." I suggested. He nodded and I smiled.

"Wait! Can we get...Laden to help?"


Laden, A.k.a. Lavender Prince. He is also a child of Hypnos. He is very skilled, but not as much as Clover. Though he does sleep as much as him.

┋𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓪 𝓑𝓮𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓲𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓖𝓪𝓻𝓭𝓮𝓷┋Connor x MalcolmWhere stories live. Discover now