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*Malcolm POV*

It's been a while since building my couples garden, and it's now finished. Katie and Travis finished the blue print of the garden installment for the Demeter's cabin, and is currently building it right now.

Even now, me and Katie still hang out with Connor and Travis. I, mostly, just do this because I'm friends with Katie, and Katie hangs around Travis a lot despite trying to say she hates him, and Travis hangs around a lot with Connor.

No other reasons at all.

Today, we're having a little hang out in the fields. Its getting a bit late but that's fine, I cleaned up my cabin. It's a bit of a picnic I guess, and we were really just talking about the flowers Katie and her cabin was going to grow.

"I love purple hydrangeas! So I'm going to plant those as well." She explained.

"So, if I give you a purple hydrangea, would you go out with me?" Travis smiled and Katie blushed furiously, the grass around her getting greener, daisies sprouting up. She hit Travis on the face but didn't say no.

"Just date already!" Connor stated, and Travis now was blushing too.

"Honestly, it's getting a bit tiring sitting here and just listening to you both flirting." I spoke up next.

"We're not flirting!" Katie tried to say, but me and Connor shared a look.

"It's fine, no ones going to judge anyone - plus, I'm pretty sure 95% of the camp knows you two like each other." Connor stated, making them blush even more. Connor gave them his iconic cute little mischievous grin.

Cute? Wait what? No, no, I didn't think that....did I? No, no way. That smile is more annoying than anything! I'm just tired, yeah...just tired.

"You okay? Sick maybe?" Connor put a hand on my forehead. I reeled back and held the book I was reading close to my chest.

"Uhm - I'm fine! Just a bit tired!" I fixed my glasses, he looked at me quizzically before shrugging and continued to tease the two.

What in Tartarus was that? My hearts beating fast, I'm having shallow breaths and my hands are a bit sweaty. I think I really maybe be sick...

"I'm going to go and rest." I got up quickly and left the three of them.


I made it to my cabin and laid on my bed. No one was here, except Annabeth. It was a bit weird, she's usually with Percy, but hey, I can't say anything.

"Ah, Malcolm." She said, finally noticing me after a few, "Didn't see you there."

"Yeah, I figured." I got up into a sitting position and placed my glasses on a nearby night stand.

"If your wondering, Percy had to go and clean his cabin." Annabeth stated, and I nodded.

"Are you okay? You look a bit...frazzled." She questioned me, and I raised an eyebrow.

"Frazzled?" I said questionably, and she nodded.

"Well...I think I'm sick so..." She eyed me weirdly.


"Well, for some reason they went away, but I'm sure they will come back. My heart beating fast, having shallow breaths and my hands were a bit sweaty." I explained, and looked at Annabeth.

"...Were you around anyone when this happened?" Annabeth asked, and I tilted my head.

"What does that have to do with anything?" I said, and she sighed.

┋𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓪 𝓑𝓮𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓲𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓖𝓪𝓻𝓭𝓮𝓷┋Connor x MalcolmWhere stories live. Discover now