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I knew she had a boyfriend, I told myself that everyday for the past couple months. Every time she did something that made my heart skip, I repeated the words but telling yourself something and seeing it with your eyes are two completely different things. I never actually saw them together because she always went to his place when they had time, but now i'm staring at the smug bastard across from me in our breakfast spot with my girl practically in his lap.

I had to give myself more than one pep talk before sitting down, I didn't want it to seem like she was unfaithful towards him even though we hadn't done anything since that night we cuddled. I also didn't want him to think he had something over my head and she was caught in the crossfire. He's nothing like his true self when he's with her, a sweet guy who dotes on her? Bullshit. I was almost bursting at the seams with anger by the end of it, I was grateful they left because he was one smirk and one stroke of his hand away from being 6 feet under.

"I hate him." Nagi murmured at the table and I didn't say anything. "How long you gonna stare at that spot?" He asked while lifting his head.

I shook my head when I realized what I was doing. "He was like a completely different person."

Nagi scoffed. "Of course, you think y/n would be with someone like him if she knew how he really was?"

"Why don't you tell her?"

He sighed and lowered his head to the table again. "Because it's more impactful if she finds out for herself. Telling someone and having them see it are different things." I chuckled to myself. 'Gotta love irony. I tell myself something similar everyday.'

"So you just sit and wait?" I raised a brow and I saw his shoulder shrug.

"What else can you do?"

His question resonated something in me, he was right; what else can you do? I would never put her in a position to feel like she's unfaithful. I would never push for her to leave him unless it was her decision. Also, if she left him and I wanted to pursue something would she be up for it? Could I even be in a relationship with her? Do I want to?

For the rest of the weekend, Nagi tried to get her to hangout with us but she constantly told him no. Her answer solidified that I was pining away for a girl who was very much happy with another man. The thought hurt but always made me want to laugh, the first woman I wanted to explore a relationship with is already with someone.

I made the decision to try and get her out of my system, she was a friend first and foremost but I had stopped all my extracurricular activities because I stupidly hoped for us to somehow get together.

Monday morning came and I felt like a new man, with my mind set all I needed to do was get my heart on board. The stupid organ still beat for her but I had to remind him that he couldn't, it hurt to much, if only my money could fix that.

"Morning!" Her voice chirped when she sat down next to me in the booth of the cafe, my stupid heart skipped again and I took a calming breath.

"Morning.." Nagi grumbled I tapped my cup against hers.

"Morning bestie." Immediately I cringed and her brows furrowed. 'Fucking get it together, Mikage.'

"You okay?" Her eyes softened and I turned towards Nagi who had a brow raised.

"Yeah, i'm good. Just haven't woken up fully yet." I replied without looking at her.

"Oh. Okay." She mumbled and took a sip of her drink.

"How was your weekend?" Nagi asked when the air became awkward, his brows slowly furrowed while he looked between us.

"Um— it was alright." She fiddled with the sleeves of her shirt and I narrowed my gaze at the movement. I slowly dragged my eyes to her drink.

Purple Haze (Reo x Reader - Friends to Lovers Romance)Where stories live. Discover now