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AUTHOR NOTE: Idk what happened but this story was suppose to be updated yesterday 😅

"I'll take care of everything." Axel said when I held out the card and I nodded, he turned to leave when I stopped him.

"Can I talk to her?" I asked in a tired voice, I was so bone tired but I needed to hear her voice.

He smirked. "I'll do you one better. Do you want to see her?"

My eyes widened. "Fuck.." I breathed. "yes."

He nodded. "Pack a bag, we leave in an hour."

"Don't tell her. I want to surprise her." I rubbed the back of my neck and he nodded again before leaving me to pack.

I had no idea how long I'd be there but I packed whatever I could see, I moved on autopilot and if you asked me what I packed, I couldn't tell you. The next hour and a half was a complete blur, I was ushered into a car then ushered onto a private jet that made my eyes widen.

"I can see why my Father wanted a partnership so bad." I murmured while my eyes roamed the inside of the jet. "She's always humbling my ass.."

Axel snorted. "Don't mention money to her, she's weird about it." I nodded with a smile because I knew that. "All the kids are humbled, they never look at their parents money as their own and whatever money they did receive, they gave away."

"I don't deserve her."

"I think that's up to her to decide." He stated and I hummed, I stared out the window before a hand blocked my view, Axel was holding a phone and I hesitantly grabbed it.


"Reo, it's y/n's Dad."

"H- Hi si- Sir!" I stuttered and groaned when I heard both him and Axel laugh at my expense. "That's embarrassing." I mumbled.

"No need to be nervous, I just wanted to confirm you were on the plane."

"I am.. Does she know?"

"No, she doesn't. Axel said you didn't want her knowing."

"Yeah." I sighed. "I just want to see her real reaction."

He chuckled softly. "No need to explain. Well have a safe flight, I'll see you when you get here."

When we landed I was surprised to see y/n's whole family. Her dad stepped forward and held out his hand, I shook his and he smiled. "We thought we'd give you guys time to talk. We'll be at a hotel in town for the night."

Her mom gave me a hug, wishing me luck and each of her brothers shook my hand, giving me a threat at the same time.

I fidgeted the whole way to their house and when we finally parked in the driveway I sucked in a breath and wiped my hands on my jeans.

"She'll be happy to see you." Axel said and I nodded absentmindedly.

I opened the door and made my way to the front door, I stared at it like an idiot until Axel chuckled and opened the front door, waltzing in.

I followed behind until we reached the kitchen and I jumped slightly when he yelled. "Princess!" He pushed me around the corner and my brows furrowed.

I stiffened when I heard footsteps running towards us. "Ax!" Her voice was like a bullet to the chest and I felt my shoulders relax. "What happened?! Is Reo okay? Why didn't you call? Why didn't you make him call me?! I've been worried sick, you asshole!" She rambled and I smiled.

"Which question would you like me to answer first?" Axel teased.

She scoffed and cleared her throat. "How is he? Is he okay?" She asked softly almost like she was afraid of the answer.

"Ask him yourself." He responded and I walked around the corner, nervous for her reaction.

"Hey- ooof." I grunted when her body collided with mines, her arms wrapped around my neck and her legs around my waist.

I stumbled a little before I caught myself and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Reo.." She breathed and I buried my face in her neck, breathing in her scent. "Fuck.. I missed you." She sniffled and I squeezed her tighter.

"I missed you more than you know." I responded gruffly.

I don't know how long we stood there but I noticed Axel had left and I regretfully unwinded her legs from me. She tilted her head back to look at me and my hands framed her face.

"Reo, I-"

I cut her off with a kiss, I caught her by surprise based on her tense body and was about to pull back when she buried her hands in my hair and melted into the kiss.

She tugged and we separated. "God, I needed that." She whispered and I smiled. "We need to talk though.."

I nodded and let her pull me towards her room, on the way she gazed around the house before looking over her shoulder. "I'm assuming I was the only one who didn't know you were coming."

I sheepishly smiled. "Uh.. Yeah."

She chuckled and shook her head but continued on until we were seated on her bed and she was wringing her hands. I covered them with mines and gave her a small smile. "Don't be nervous, just say what's on your mind. It's okay." I said and her shoulder relaxed.

"I- uh." She took a breath. "I had a lot to think about over the last few weeks and I understand for the most part, I just have a question."

I nodded and her eyes connected with mines. "Why did you do it?"

"End it?" I asked gruffly and she nodded.

"Yeah but also lying about you and Margot."

"The event really fucked with my head, the whole story is that my Mother, like always had something to say about you and our relationship. Demanded your name which she later revealed she already knew it and that she ran a check." I chuckled mirthlessly. "She also thrust Margot on to me and that she didn't have a choice because she was blackmailing her. It just put everything into perspective, I never knew why she was pushing women on me but I also knew she'd never stop."

I rubbed my thumb over her knuckles and I sighed heavily. "I have never felt this way towards anyone.." I murmured softly. "You literally knocked me on my ass.. I fell for you instantly, I remember when I first saw you I prayed that you weren't Nagi's cousin because I already decided to pursue you."

I smiled and shook my head. "But instead we became friends which now, looking back, made it worse because I fell even harder. You mean so much more to me than my actual family, I saw a future with you.. Marriage, family, love.. Which is something I swore off a long time ago."

A tear escaped her eye and I wiped away the tear, still holding her cheek in my hand. "Because I knew how much you meant to me, I knew that there was a good chance my Mother did too. I also knew that she'd never stop and I was afraid of what she'd do... So I ended it."

"That wasn't your decision to make." She said roughly and I nodded, letting my hand fall.

"I know, baby.. I'm so sorry. I just didn't know what else to do." I whispered while looking down.

"No more lies, Reo." She said with conviction and my head whipped up, eyes wide.

"I swear, no more lies."

"If we do this again and you lie, you won't get another chance."

I leaned forward and grabbed under her jaw, I held her eyes for a few seconds before resting my forehead against hers.

"I won't need another chance after this. You think i'd ruin this again?" I chuckled. "No fucking way, baby."

She let out a half sob, half laugh. "Inevitable." She whispered.

"That's right, baby. Inevitable."

AUTHOR NOTE: I wanted my babies to be back together😭😭

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