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"I want to scream the fact that we're back home from the rooftops." Y/N said with a glimmer in her eyes and a huge smile on her face.

I chuckled when her parents shook their heads. "No." They said and she waved them off. "We want to keep us being back quiet until Reo can talk to his father."

"Yeah, yeah." She grumbled and I wrapped an arm around her waist and dropped a kiss on her head.

"I promise we can scream that we're back when I deal with our last problem." I said and she pouted.

"Reo, I didn't mean-"

I cut her off with a quick kiss. "I know, baby."

"Though it is unfair that my brothers got to go back to their normal lives." She grumbled.

"Did you want them to stay with us?" Her mom raised a brow and I could feel the shudder run through their bodies. Her dad laughed loudly and shook his head. "Love them boys to death but we're being punished. Why else would we get three of them?"

I dropped another kiss on her head and squeezed her hip. "We have two days until shit hopefully doesn't hit the fan." I froze and paled; her parents sighed.

"Two days?" She questioned and I cursed silently, Axel specifically told me not to say anything to her because we all knew she'd freak out.

"Way to go, Reo." Her dad chuckled.

"What the fuck? I wasn't suppose to know?" She exclaimed.

"I love you." I cooed and her brows furrowed, I kissed her quickly and some of her annoyance melted.

"Damn, you have more sway than I thought." Her mom teased and I completely forgot they were standing there for a second; I wouldn't usually kiss her like that in front of them.

"Uh- Well." I stuttered then sighed. "We didn't want to worry you."

She scoffed and her parents walked towards one of the two SUV's waiting for us. "You better make it up to me." She grumbled.

"Challenge accepted." I whispered in her ear. "Come on, baby." I led her to the car we were taking and we climbed in.

She leaned against me and I smiled before tilting her head and giving her a deep kiss, one that pulled a soft moan that I swallowed. She melted and I was seconds away from hauling her onto my lap when our door opened quickly.

We turned to see Axel's angry face. "Wha-"

"Change of plans." He said quickly and waved us out. "They know you're back." He said when we climbed back out of the car, still at the airport.

"What? How?" I ask and y/n makes this weird growl sound.

"Who sold us out?" She asked and I turned my confused face to her. She sighs. "Not to sound conceited or anything but our name is huge here add in a Mikage, it makes for an interesting story. So staff? Employee of the estate? The pilot?"

"We think it was one of the employee's of the island estate. You all haven't used it much, since it was bought solely for the reason you guys went for." Axel sighed.

"They sign NDA's though and Dad personally vetted everyone." She said.

"Which is why he's pissed. Looks like we'll have another legal battle on our hands." He responded.

"So what do we do now?" I asked.

"Have you checked your phone?"

I shook my head and pulled my phone out, powering it on and groaned at the multiple messages from my parents. Moms ranged from apologizes to angry to petty but it was Dads that stressed me out. It came in 5 minutes ago, so we're adding creepy to this too.

Purple Haze (Reo x Reader - Friends to Lovers Romance)Where stories live. Discover now