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I smiled and spit out the blood pooling in my mouth. "Fucking weak shit." I spat before chuckling. "Some man you are. Lawyer up, asshole. I'm fucking done."

I stalked off with a smile on my face, my chest felt lighter and the breath I inhaled but the clearest I ever had. I laughed to myself and pulled out my phone.


2 Weeks Earlier

I was shaking my head before he even pointed to himself. "No, I don't want you all involved."

Y/N's dad smiled at me. "It's only if things don't go according to plan, think of me as a back up plan." He shrugged.

Ax turned to me and we made eye contact. "We were planning to stay here for a week longer." He said and y/n and her brothers groaned. "We'll schedule a time and place with your Father through your phone."

I let out a breath, relieved he was going to handle everything; thinking about dealing with my parents caused anxiety I didn't want to feel.

"Thank you."

He nodded back to me, stood and left to do whatever it is that he does during the day. Y/N squeezed my hand and I looked at her, she wore a small smile but her eyes conveyed her worry. "You okay?"

"Yeah.." I leaned over and kissed her forehead. "I'm okay."

"Come on." She smiled while standing and tugging at my hand. "You need a distraction."

"The fuck?"



She rolled her eyes at her brothers. "We going to the beach you fucking idiots." She growled. "Get your mind out of the gutters."

I followed her with a laugh and wrapped my arms around her when he got outside. "So we're not going to fuck." I purred in her ear and rubbed my hard on against her ass.

"Oh, we are." She moaned when I squeezed her tit and pinched her nipple. I chuckled when she shivered and nibbled down the column of her neck.

"Going to the beach she says." Reign taunted and I could physically feel y/n's growl, I wrapped my arms around her middle with a laugh watching her try and escape to castrate her brother.

"You're like a chihuahua." He smiled.

"Keep it up." She narrowed her eyes. "I know where you sleep, motherfucker."

The rest of the day continued like that and I thought it was because I was there so I was genuinely surprised that all four siblings acted like this everyday.

How y/n's parents handled them all was amazing, I found it hilarious. I never had siblings but watching them lovingly give each other shit made me envious in a way.

"They've always been like this." Y/N's mom said while she sat on the couch next to me. We were having our last game night before we were heading back and like always, they were bickering. Who knew Cranium could be competitive.

I smiled at her. "Always?"

"Yup." She nodded. "Though, their vocabulary has become more colorful."

"You little shits! Don't fucking cheat!" Her Dad yelled and pointed at them.

"Wonder where they got it from." She murmured and I laughed loudly.

"We're not cheating. You sore loser." Reign said.

"Not cheating, my ass!"

"Dad, you really are just a sore loser." Jax said and Rhys shook his head with wide eyes.

Purple Haze (Reo x Reader - Friends to Lovers Romance)Where stories live. Discover now